/** * Javascript functions for nodes */ /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayWidgetNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'widget-list'; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderWidgetListNodeMini(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start, nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of nodes in the Chat tree */ function displayChatNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid, childCountSpan){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'widget-list'; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderChatNode(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start, nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', childCountSpan); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of connection nodes */ function displayConnectionNodes(objDiv, nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid, childCountSpan, parentrefreshhandler){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'idea-list'; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderConnectionNode(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', childCountSpan, parentrefreshhandler); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayHomeNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'home-list'; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderNodeMini(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', "", false, false); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid,includevoting){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'idea-list'; } if (includevoting == undefined) { includevoting = true; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderNodeMini(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', "", false, includevoting); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayNewsNodes(objDiv,nodes){ for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ objDiv.insert(renderNodeNews(nodes[i].cnode)); } } } /** * Render a list of nodes for the Connectedness stats boxes */ function displayConnectionStatNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'idea-list'; } var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderNode(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', "", true); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displaySearchNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'search-list'; } for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list'}); var blobNode = renderNodeMini(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid+i+start,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser,'active', "", false, false); objDiv.insert(blobNode); } } } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayReportNodes(objDiv,nodes,start){ for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var iUL = new Element("span", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li', 'style':'padding-bottom: 5px;'}); objDiv.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'margin: 2px; width: 650px'}); var blobNode = renderReportNode(nodes[i].cnode,'idea-list'+i+start, nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } } /** * Render a list of connection nodes for the print of the knowledge trees */ function displayReportConnectionNodes(objDiv, nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid){ if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'knowledgetreereport'; } var lOL = new Element("div", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol', 'style':'float:left;margin-top:0px;padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom:0px;'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].cnode){ var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-blob-list', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;'}); var blobNode = renderReportConnectionNode(nodes[i].cnode, uniqueid,nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role,includeUser); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); lOL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render the given node. * Used for Activities, Multi connection Viewer, Stats pages etc. where the node is drawn as a Cohere style box. * * @param node the node object to render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includemenu whether to include the drop-down menu * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderNodeFromLocalJSon(node, uniQ, role, includemenu, type) { if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if (includemenu === undefined) { includemenu = true; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0]; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } // used mostly for getting data from Audit history. So nodes repeated a lot. // creation date will be the same, but modification date will be different for each duplicated node in the Audit uniQ = node.modificationdate+node.nodeid + uniQ; var iDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-container'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-header'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title'}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; if (type == "connselect") { nodeTable.style.cursor = 'pointer'; Event.observe(nodeTable,'click',function (){ loadConnectionNode(node, role); }); } var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var leftCell = row.insertCell(-1); leftCell.vAlign="top"; leftCell.align="left"; var rightCell = row.insertCell(-1); rightCell.vAlign="top"; rightCell.align="right"; //get url for any saved image. //add left side with icon image and node text. var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (node.imagethumbnail != null && node.imagethumbnail != "") { var originalurl = ""; if(node.urls && node.urls.length > 0){ for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ var urlid = node.urls[i].url.urlid; if (urlid == node.imageurlid) { originalurl = node.urls[i].url.url; break; } } } if (originalurl == "") { originalurl = node.imagethumbnail; } var iconlink = new Element('a', { 'href':originalurl, 'title':"View original image", 'target': '_blank' }); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':"View original image", 'style':'padding-right:5px;', 'src': URL_ROOT + node.imagethumbnail}); iconlink.insert(nodeicon); itDiv.insert(iconlink); itDiv.insert(alttext+": "); } else if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'padding-right:5px;', 'src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); itDiv.insert(nodeicon); } else { itDiv.insert(alttext+": "); } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { itDiv.insert(""+node.description+""); } else { itDiv.insert(""+node.name+""); } leftCell.appendChild(itDiv); // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':user.name, 'title': user.name, 'style':'padding-right:5px;','align':'right', 'src': user.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'target':'_blank', 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+user.userid, 'title':user.name}); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } var modDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); if (modDate) { var fomatedDate = modDate.format(DATE_FORMAT); iuDiv.insert("
"+fomatedDate+""); } rightCell.appendChild(iuDiv); ihDiv.insert(nodeTable); if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var headerDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-menus', 'style':'width: 100%'}); idDiv.insert(headerDiv); if (type == 'active') { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'title':'Click to show/hide where you can go and see more information and activities around this item'} ); exploreButton.insert("Explore >>"); exploreButton.href= URL_ROOT+"explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; exploreButton.target = 'coheremain'; headerDiv.appendChild(exploreButton); } imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iwDiv.insert('
'); } iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert('
'); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node for drawing on the item Picker list. * @param node the node object to render * @param role the role object for this node * @param includemenu whether to include the drop-down menu (and bookmark and spam buttons) * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderPickerNode(node, role,includeUser){ if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;', 'class':'pickerNode'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title'}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; nodeTable.style.cursor = 'pointer'; var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var leftCell = row.insertCell(-1); leftCell.vAlign="top"; leftCell.align="left"; var rightCell = row.insertCell(-1); rightCell.vAlign="top"; rightCell.align="right"; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'padding-right:5px;','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); itDiv.insert(nodeicon); } else { itDiv.insert(alttext+": "); } Event.observe(itDiv,'click',function (){ loadSelecteditem(node); }); if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { itDiv.insert(""+node.description+""); } else { itDiv.insert(""+node.name+""); } leftCell.appendChild(itDiv); if (includeUser) { var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':user.name, 'title': user.name, 'style':'padding-right:5px;','align':'right', 'src': user.thumb}); iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) rightCell.appendChild(iuDiv); } ihDiv.insert(nodeTable); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert('
'); var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); iwDiv.insert('
'); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given News node. * @param node the node object do render */ function renderNodeNews(node){ var description = node.description; description = removeHTMLTags(description); if (description.length > 100) { description = description.substr(0, 100)+'...'; } var title = node.name.replace(' & ',' & '); var link = 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id='+node.nodeid; var cDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); var date = cDate.format('mmmm d, yyyy'); var div = new Element("div", {'class':'d-block'}); var para1 = new Element("p", {'class':'row newsText'}); var role = node.role[0].role; if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':role.name, 'title':role.name, 'class':'col-auto', 'style':'max-width: 45px;','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); para1.insert(nodeicon); } var strong = new Element("strong",{'class':'col p-0'}); para1.insert(strong); var anchor = new Element("a"); anchor.href = link; anchor.insert(title); strong.insert(anchor); strong.insert('
'); var small = new Element("small", {'class':'col-12'}); para1.insert(small); var em = new Element("em"); em.insert('Posted on '+date); small.insert(em); para1.insert(small); div.insert(para1); return div; } /** * Render the given node. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node. Defaults to the node role. * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link. Defaults to true. * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable. * or a specialized type for some of the popups * @param parentrefreshhandler a statment to eval after actions have occurred to refresh this list. Defaults to empty string. * @param includeconnectedness should the connectedness count be included - defaults to false. * @param includevoting should the voting buttons be included - defaults to true. */ function renderNodeMini(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, parentrefreshhandler, includeconnectedness, includevoting){ if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } if(includeUser === undefined){ includeUser = true; } if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if (parentrefreshhandler === undefined) { parentrefreshhandler = ""; } if (includeconnectedness === undefined) { includeconnectedness = false; } if (includevoting === undefined) { includevoting = true; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'m-0 p-0'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'m-0 p-0'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title', 'style':''}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable table table-borderless "; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); if (includevoting == true && type == 'active') { if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Idea") { // ADD VOTING ACTION if (role.name == 'Claim' || role.name == 'Issue' || role.name == 'Solution' || role.name == 'Challenge' || EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { var voteCell = row.insertCell(-1); voteCell.className = "voting-td"; var voteDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'voting'}); voteCell.insert(voteDiv); // vote for var voteforimg = document.createElement('img'); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-grey3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting For'); voteforimg.setAttribute('id','nodefor'+node.nodeid); voteforimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteforimg.vote='Y'; voteDiv.insert(voteforimg); if (!node.positivevotes) { node.positivevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteforimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (node.uservote && node.uservote == 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ deleteNodeVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!node.uservote || node.uservote != 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ nodeVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Promote this...'); } voteDiv.insert(''+node.positivevotes+''); } else { voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Promote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+node.positivevotes+''); } // vote against var voteagainstimg = document.createElement('img'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-grey3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting Against'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('id', 'nodeagainst'+node.nodeid); voteagainstimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteagainstimg.vote='N'; voteDiv.insert(voteagainstimg); if (!node.negativevotes) { node.negativevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteagainstimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (node.uservote && node.uservote == 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ deleteNodeVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!node.uservote || node.uservote != 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ nodeVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); } voteDiv.insert(''+node.negativevotes+''); } else { voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Demote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+node.negativevotes+''); } } } } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'class':'node-image-icon', 'src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); textCell.insert(nodeicon); } else { textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } var title = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { title=node.description; } if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Idea") { textCell.insert(""+title+""); } else { var exploreButton = new Element('a', {'title':'Go to full information on this item.', 'id':'desctoggle'+uniQ, 'style':'line-height:1.8em;font-weight:normal', 'class':'itemtext'}); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploreButton.insert(title); textCell.insert(exploreButton); } // ADD MENU ACTIONS if (type == 'active') { if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Idea") { var toolbarCell = row.insertCell(-1); toolbarCell.vAlign="middle"; toolbarCell.align="left"; if (USER != "" && (( (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "all") || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "user" && USER == user.userid) || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "admin" && IS_USER_ADMIN == "Y")) || USER == user.userid )){ var menuButton = new Element('img',{'alt':'>', 'class':'menuicon', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/menuicon.png'}); toolbarCell.appendChild(menuButton); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseover',function (event) { var position = getPosition(this); var panel = $('toolbardiv'+uniQ); var panelWidth = 140; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = position.x; var y = position.y;toolbardiv if ( (x+panelWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panelWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } x = x+30+getPageOffsetX(); panel.style.left = x+"px"; panel.style.top = y+"px"; showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;width:140px;border:1px solid gray;background:white'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); toolbarCell.appendChild(toolbarDiv); if (USER == user.userid) { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Resource'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editcomment',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/commentedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); if (node.otheruserconnections == 0) { var delButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Delete this item'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); Event.observe(delButton,'click',function (){deleteNode(node.nodeid,node.name,role.name,parentrefreshhandler)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } else { var delButton = new Element("span", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;', 'title':'You cannot delete this item. Someone else has connected to it'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } } if (USER != "" && ( (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "all") || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "user" && USER == user.userid) || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "admin" && IS_USER_ADMIN == "Y") )){ if (USER == user.userid) { toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); } var details = node.description; if (node.description == "") { details = node.name; } var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Issue'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Issue"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addissue',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/issueadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); if (hasClaim) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Fact'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Fact"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addclaim',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/claimadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } if (hasSolution) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Idea'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Idea"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addsolution',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/solutionadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Argument'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Argument"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addevidence',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/evidenceadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Use the text from this Comment to create a Practitioner Story'} ); addButton.insert("Make into a Researcher Story"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('commentbuilderp',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/quickformpractitionercomment.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,750)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Use the text from this Comment to create a Researcher Story'} ); addButton.insert("Make into a Practitioner Story"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('commentbuilderr',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/quickformresearchercomment.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,750)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } } } } ihDiv.insert(itDiv); if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Idea") { var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var expandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'desc'+uniQ,'class':'ideadata', 'style':'display:none;'} ); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; expandDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var nextCell = row.insertCell(-1); nextCell.vAlign="middle"; nextCell.align="left"; // USER ICON NAME AND CREATIONS DATES var userbar = new Element("div", {'class':'userbar'} ); if (includeUser == true) { // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':user.name, 'title': user.name, 'style':'padding-right:5px;', 'src': user.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+user.userid, 'title':user.name}); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } userbar.appendChild(iuDiv); } var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left;'}); var dStr = ""; var cDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); dStr += "Added on: "+ cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) + "
"; dStr += "Added by: "+ user.name + ""; iuDiv.insert(dStr); userbar.insert(iuDiv); nextCell.appendChild(userbar); // META DATA - DESCRIPTION, TAGS, URLS, LOCATION ETC // add url if a resource node if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { expandDiv.insert('Url:'); var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'target':'_blank','title':'View site'} ); link.insert(node.name); expandDiv.insert(link); if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { var hasClips = false; var iUL = new Element("ul", {}); for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ if (node.urls[i].url.clip && node.urls[i].url.clip != "") { var link = new Element("li"); link.insert(node.urls[i].url.clip); iUL.insert(link); hasClips = true; } if (node.urls[i].url.identifier && node.urls[i].url.identifier != "" && role.name == 'Publication') { expandDiv.insert('
DOI: '+node.urls[i].url.identifier+''); } } if (hasClips) { expandDiv.insert('
'); } expandDiv.insert(iUL); } } //tags if(node.tags && node.tags.length > 0){ var grpStr = "
Tags: "; for (var i=0 ; i < node.tags.length; i++){ var tag = null; if (node.tags[i].name) { tag = node.tags[i]; } else { tag = node.tags[i].tag } if (type == "active") { grpStr += ''+tag.name+''; } else { grpStr += tag.name; } if (i < node.tags.length-1) { grpStr += ','; } } grpStr += '
'; expandDiv.insert(grpStr); } var searchid=""; if (node.searchid) { searchid = node.searchid; } if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Idea") { var commentdiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'commentdiv'+uniQ, 'name':'commentdiv', 'class':'d-block commentdiv'}); expandDiv.insert(commentdiv); if (role.name == "Idea") { childcommentload(commentdiv, node.nodeid, "built from", "Solution,Issue,Challenge,Claim,"+EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR, uniQ, searchid); } else { childchatusageload(commentdiv, node.nodeid,"is related to", EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR+","+BASE_TYPES_STR+","+COMMENT_TYPES, uniQ, searchid); } } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Challenge" || role.name == "Issue" || role.name == "Solution" || role.name == "Claim") { var commentdiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'commentdiv'+uniQ, 'name':'commentdiv', 'class':'commentdiv'}); expandDiv.insert(commentdiv); childcommentload(commentdiv, node.nodeid,"built from", COMMENT_TYPES+",Idea", uniQ, searchid); } var dStr = ""; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ dStr += '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { expandDiv.description = true; dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; expandDiv.insert(dStr); } } // CHILD LISTS if (role.name == 'Challenge') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var issueStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(issueStr); var issueDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'issue'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(issueDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
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'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
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'); } else if (role.name == 'Claim' || role.name == 'Solution') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var supportStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(supportStr); var supportDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'support'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(supportDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var opposeStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(opposeStr); var opposingDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'oppose'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(opposingDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { expandDiv.insert('
'); var resourceStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(resourceStr); var resourceDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'resource'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(resourceDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Comment' && node.connection) { var tN = node.connection.to[0].cnode; var tRole = tN.role[0].role; var title=tN.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(tRole.name) != -1) { title = tN.description; } if (tN.role[0].role.name == "Comment") { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""+title+""; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); if (node.connection.parentnode) { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Which is in a Chat about: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var icon = getNodeIconElement(node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode); var title = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.name; var parentid = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.nodeid; var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+title+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(title); } exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+parentid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } else { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var icon = getNodeIconElement(tN); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+title+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(title); } exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+tN.nodeid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); } iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups * @param parentrefreshhandler a statment to eval after actions have occurred to refresh this list. * @param includeconnectedness should the connectedness count be included - defaults to false. */ function renderNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, parentrefreshhandler, includeconnectedness){ if (type === includeconnectedness) { includeconnectedness = false; } if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title', 'style':''}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (node.imagethumbnail != null && node.imagethumbnail != "") { var originalurl = ""; if(node.urls && node.urls.length > 0){ for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ var urlid = node.urls[i].url.urlid; if (urlid == node.imageurlid) { originalurl = node.urls[i].url.url; break; } } } if (originalurl == "") { originalurl = node.imagethumbnail; } var iconlink = new Element('a', { 'href':originalurl, 'title':"View original image", 'target': '_blank' }); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':"View original image", 'style':'width:auto;height:20px;margin-top:0;padding-right:10px;', 'src': URL_ROOT + node.imagethumbnail}); iconlink.insert(nodeicon); textCell.insert(iconlink); textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } else if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'width:auto;height:20px;margin-top:0;padding-right:10px;','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); textCell.insert(nodeicon); } else { textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } var title = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { title=node.description; 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toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); if (node.otheruserconnections == 0) { var delButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Delete this item'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); Event.observe(delButton,'click',function (){deleteNode(node.nodeid,node.name,role.name,parentrefreshhandler)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } else { var delButton = new Element("span", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;', 'title':'You cannot delete this item. Someone else has connected to it'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } } if (USER != "" && ( (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "all") || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "user" && USER == user.userid) || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "admin" && IS_USER_ADMIN == "Y") )){ if (USER == user.userid) { toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); } var details = node.description; if (node.description == "") { details = node.name; } var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Issue'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Issue"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addissue',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/issueadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); if (hasClaim) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Fact'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Fact"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addclaim',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/claimadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } if (hasSolution) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Idea'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Idea"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addsolution',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/solutionadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Argument'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Argument"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addevidence',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/evidenceadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&desc="+encodeURIComponent(details), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Use the text from this Comment to create a Practitioner Story'} ); addButton.insert("Make into a Researcher Story"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('commentbuilderp',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/quickformpractitionercomment.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,750)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Use the text from this Comment to create a Researcher Story'} ); addButton.insert("Make into a Practitioner Story"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('commentbuilderr',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/quickformresearchercomment.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,750)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } } } else { var menuButton = new Element('img',{'alt':'>', 'class':'menuicon', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/menuicon.png'}); toolbarCell.appendChild(menuButton); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseover',function (event) { var position = getPosition(this); var panel = $('toolbardiv'+uniQ); var panelWidth = 175; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = position.x; var y = position.y; if ( (x+panelWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panelWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } x = x+30+getPageOffsetX(); panel.style.left = x+"px"; panel.style.top = y+"px"; closeSubmenus(uniQ); showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ, event); }); var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv connectionsToolbar', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;width:175px;border:1px solid gray;background:white;'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); toolbarCell.appendChild(toolbarDiv); createExploreMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, uniQ); createConnectionMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, uniQ); // IF OWNER ADD EDIT / DEL ACTIONS if (USER == user.userid) { createEditMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, parentrefreshhandler, user); if (node.otheruserconnections == 0) { var deletename = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { deletename = node.description; } var delButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Delete this item'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); Event.observe(delButton,'click',function (){deleteNode(node.nodeid,deletename,role.name,parentrefreshhandler)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } else { var delButton = new Element("span", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px;', 'title':'You cannot delete this item. Someone else has connected to it'} ); delButton.insert("Delete"); toolbarDiv.appendChild(delButton); } } // ADD VOTING ACTION if (role.name == 'Claim' || role.name == 'Issue' || role.name == 'Solution' || role.name == 'Challenge' || EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { var voteDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'voteDiv d-flex mt-1'}); voteDiv.insert('Vote:'); toolbarDiv.insert(voteDiv); // vote for var voteforimg = document.createElement('img'); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-grey3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting For'); voteforimg.setAttribute('id','nodefor'+node.nodeid); voteforimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteforimg.vote='Y'; voteforimg.style.verticalAlign="bottom"; voteforimg.style.marginRight="3px"; voteDiv.insert(voteforimg); if (!node.positivevotes) { node.positivevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteforimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (node.uservote && node.uservote == 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ deleteNodeVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!node.uservote || node.uservote != 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ nodeVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty3.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Promote this...'); } voteDiv.insert(''+node.positivevotes+''); } else { voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Promote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+node.positivevotes+''); } // vote against var voteagainstimg = document.createElement('img'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-grey3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting Against'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('id', 'nodeagainst'+node.nodeid); voteagainstimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteagainstimg.vote='N'; voteagainstimg.style.verticalAlign="bottom"; voteagainstimg.style.marginRight="3px"; voteDiv.insert(voteagainstimg); if (!node.negativevotes) { node.negativevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteagainstimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (node.uservote && node.uservote == 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ deleteNodeVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!node.uservote || node.uservote != 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ nodeVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); } voteDiv.insert(''+node.negativevotes+''); } else { voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Demote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+node.negativevotes+''); } } } } ihDiv.insert(itDiv); var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var expandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'desc'+uniQ,'class':'ideadata', 'style':'display:none;'} ); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; expandDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var nextCell = row.insertCell(-1); nextCell.vAlign="middle"; nextCell.align="left"; // USER ICON NAME AND CREATIONS DATES var userbar = new Element("div", {'class':'userbar'} ); if (includeUser == true) { // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':user.name, 'title': user.name, 'style':'padding-right:5px;', 'src': user.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+user.userid, 'title':user.name}); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } userbar.appendChild(iuDiv); } var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left;'}); var dStr = ""; var cDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); dStr += "Added on: "+ cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) + "
"; dStr += "Added by: "+ user.name + ""; iuDiv.insert(dStr); userbar.insert(iuDiv); nextCell.appendChild(userbar); // META DATA - DESCRIPTION, TAGS, URLS, LOCATION ETC // add url if a resource node if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { expandDiv.insert('Url:'); var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'target':'_blank','title':'View site'} ); link.insert(node.name); expandDiv.insert(link); if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { var hasClips = false; var iUL = new Element("ul", {}); for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ if (node.urls[i].url.clip && node.urls[i].url.clip != "") { var link = new Element("li"); link.insert(node.urls[i].url.clip); iUL.insert(link); hasClips = true; } if (node.urls[i].url.identifier && node.urls[i].url.identifier != "" && role.name == 'Publication') { expandDiv.insert('
DOI: '+node.urls[i].url.identifier+''); } } if (hasClips) { expandDiv.insert('
'); } expandDiv.insert(iUL); } } //tags if(node.tags && node.tags.length > 0){ var grpStr = "
Tags: "; for (var i=0 ; i < node.tags.length; i++){ var tag = null; if (node.tags[i].name) { tag = node.tags[i]; } else { tag = node.tags[i].tag } if (type == "active") { grpStr += ''+tag.name+''; } else { grpStr += tag.name; } if (i < node.tags.length-1) { grpStr += ','; } } grpStr += '
'; expandDiv.insert(grpStr); } var searchid=""; if (node.searchid) { searchid = node.searchid; } if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Idea") { var commentdiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'commentdiv'+uniQ, 'name':'commentdiv', 'class':'d-block commentdiv'}); expandDiv.insert(commentdiv); if (role.name == "Idea") { childcommentload(commentdiv, node.nodeid, "built from", "Solution,Issue,Challenge,Claim,"+EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR, uniQ, searchid); } else { childchatusageload(commentdiv, node.nodeid,"is related to", EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR+","+BASE_TYPES_STR+","+COMMENT_TYPES, uniQ, searchid); } } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Challenge" || role.name == "Issue" || role.name == "Solution" || role.name == "Claim") { var commentdiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'commentdiv'+uniQ, 'name':'commentdiv', 'class':'d-block commentdiv'}); expandDiv.insert(commentdiv); childcommentload(commentdiv, node.nodeid,"built from", COMMENT_TYPES+",Idea", uniQ, searchid); } var dStr = ""; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ dStr += '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { expandDiv.description = true; dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; expandDiv.insert(dStr); } } // CHILD LISTS if (role.name == 'Challenge') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var issueStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(issueStr); var issueDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'issue'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(issueDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var claimStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(claimStr); var claimDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'claim'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(claimDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Issue') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var claimStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(claimStr); var claimDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'claim'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(claimDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Claim' || role.name == 'Solution') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var supportStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(supportStr); var supportDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'support'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(supportDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var opposeStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(opposeStr); var opposingDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'oppose'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(opposingDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { expandDiv.insert('
'); var resourceStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(resourceStr); var resourceDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'resource'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(resourceDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Comment' && node.connection) { var tN = node.connection.to[0].cnode; var tRole = tN.role[0].role; var title=tN.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(tRole.name) != -1) { title = tN.description; } if (tN.role[0].role.name == "Comment") { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""+title+""; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); if (node.connection.parentnode) { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Which is in a Chat about: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var icon = getNodeIconElement(node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode); var title = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.name; var parentid = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.nodeid; var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+title+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(title); } exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+parentid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } else { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var icon = getNodeIconElement(tN); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+title+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(title); } exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+tN.nodeid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection in the knowledge tree. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups * @param childCountSpan The element into which to put the running total of children in this conneciotn tree.. * @param parentrefreshhandler a statment to eval after actions have occurred to refresh this list. */ function renderConnectionNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, childCountSpan, parentrefreshhandler){ if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if (childCountSpan === undefined) { childCountSpan = null; } var originaluniQ = uniQ; if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var connection = node.connection; var user = null; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } //needs to check if embedded as a snippet var breakout = ""; if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalnodeid = ""; if (node.focalnodeid) { focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; } var focalrole = ""; var connrole = role; var otherend = ""; if (connection) { uniQ = connection.connid+uniQ; var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { connrole = connection.fromrole[0].role; focalrole = tN.role[0].role; otherend = tN; } else { connrole = connection.torole[0].role; focalrole = fN.role[0].role; otherend = fN; } } else { uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'d-block'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'d-block'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title'}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); // ADD THE ARROW IF REQUIRED if (node.istop) { var expandArrow = null; if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Challenge" || role.name == "Issue" || role.name == "Solution" || role.name == "Claim") { var arrowCell = row.insertCell(-1); if (DEBATE_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["desc"+uniQ] && DEBATE_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["desc"+uniQ] == true) { expandArrow = new Element('span', {'id':'explorearrow'+uniQ }); expandArrow = new Element('img',{'id':'explorearrow'+uniQ, 'name':'explorearrow', 'class':'explorearrow', 'alt':'>', 'title':"Show/hide the knowledge tree",'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-down-blue.png'}); expandArrow.uniqueid = uniQ; } else { expandArrow = new Element('span', {'id':'explorearrow'+uniQ }); expandArrow = new Element('img',{'id':'explorearrow'+uniQ, 'name':'explorearrow', 'class':'explorearrow', 'alt':'>', 'title':"Show/hide the knowledge tree",'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-right-blue.png'}); expandArrow.uniqueid = uniQ; } Event.observe(expandArrow,'click',function (){ toggleDebate("treedesc"+uniQ,uniQ);}); arrowCell.insert(expandArrow); } } else { var lineCell = row.insertCell(-1); lineCell.width="15px;" lineCell.vAlign="middle"; var lineDiv = new Element('div',{'class':'graylinewide', 'style':'float:left;width:100%;'}); lineCell.insert(lineDiv); } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; var textCellDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textDivCell'+uniQ, 'name':'textDivCell', 'class':'textDivCell whiteborder'}); textCellDiv.nodeid = node.nodeid; textCellDiv.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; textCellDiv.nodetype = role.name; textCellDiv.parentuniQ = originaluniQ; if (connection) { textCellDiv.connection = connection; } if (node.nodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) { var bordercolor = 'plainborder'; var backcolor = 'focusedback'; var nodetype = role.name; if (nodetype == 'Challenge') { bordercolor = 'challengeborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'challengeback'; } } else if (nodetype == 'Issue') { bordercolor = 'issueborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'issueback'; } } else if (nodetype == 'Claim') { bordercolor = 'claimborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'claimback'; } } else if (nodetype == 'Solution') { bordercolor = 'solutionborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'solutionback'; } } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'evidenceborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'evidenceback'; } } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'resourceborder'; if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'resourceback'; } } //if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { // bordercolor = 'selectedborder'; //} textCellDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textDivCell'+uniQ, 'name':'textDivCell', 'class':'textDivCell '+backcolor+' '+bordercolor}); textCellDiv.nodeid = node.nodeid; textCellDiv.nodetype = role.name; textCellDiv.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; textCellDiv.parentuniQ = originaluniQ; if (connection) { textCellDiv.connection = connection; } } else if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { var bordercolor = 'plainborder'; var backcolor = 'whiteback'; var nodetype = role.name; if (nodetype == 'Challenge') { bordercolor = 'challengeborder'; backcolor = 'challengeback'; } else if (nodetype == 'Issue') { bordercolor = 'issueborder'; backcolor = 'issueback'; } else if (nodetype == 'Claim') { bordercolor = 'claimborder'; backcolor = 'claimback'; } else if (nodetype == 'Solution') { bordercolor = 'solutionborder'; backcolor = 'solutionback'; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'evidenceborder'; backcolor = 'evidenceback'; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'resourceborder'; backcolor = 'resourceback'; } textCellDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textDivCell'+uniQ, 'name':'textDivCell', 'class':'textDivCell '+backcolor+' '+bordercolor}); textCellDiv.nodeid = node.nodeid; textCellDiv.nodetype = role.name; textCellDiv.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; textCellDiv.parentuniQ = originaluniQ; if (connection) { textCellDiv.connection = connection; } } var toolbarCell = row.insertCell(-1); toolbarCell.vAlign="middle"; toolbarCell.align="left"; toolbarCell.width="80"; textCell.insert(textCellDiv); var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Connected by "+user.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT)+' - Click to view/hide additional information' // ADD THE NODE ICON var nodeArea = new Element("a", {'class':'itemtext', 'name':'nodeArea','title':dStr} ); nodeArea.nodeid = node.nodeid; nodeArea.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (node.imagethumbnail != null && node.imagethumbnail != "") { var originalurl = ""; if(node.urls && node.urls.length > 0){ for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ var urlid = node.urls[i].url.urlid; if (urlid == node.imageurlid) { originalurl = node.urls[i].url.url; break; } } } if (originalurl == "") { originalurl = node.imagethumbnail; } var iconlink = new Element('a', { 'href':originalurl, 'title':"View original image", 'target': '_blank' }); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':"View original image", 'src': URL_ROOT + node.imagethumbnail}); iconlink.insert(nodeicon); nodeArea.insert(iconlink); nodeArea.insert(alttext+": "); } else if (connrole.image != null && connrole.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext,'src': URL_ROOT + connrole.image}); nodeArea.insert(nodeicon); } else { nodeArea.insert(alttext+": "); } // ADD THE NODE LABEL textCellDiv.appendChild(nodeArea); if (type == 'active' && role.name != 'Comment') { if (node.nodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) { if (node.nodeid == node.focalnodeid) { nodeArea.className = "itemtextwhite"; 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toolbarDiv.insert('add Add Fact'); } else if (hasSolution) { var model = HUB_DATAMODEL.issueToSolution; var filternodetypes = model.getOtherEnd(); var linktypename = model.linktypes; var focalnodeend = model.direction; var hint = model.hint; toolbarDiv.insert('add Add Idea'); } else if (hasClaim) { var model = HUB_DATAMODEL.issueToClaim; var filternodetypes = model.getOtherEnd(); var linktypename = model.linktypes; var focalnodeend = model.direction; var hint = model.hint; toolbarDiv.insert('add Add Fact'); } } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { var model = HUB_DATAMODEL.evidenceToResource; var filternodetypes = model.getOtherEnd(); var linktypename = model.linktypes; var focalnodeend = model.direction; let hint = model.hint; let alink = 'add Add Resource'; toolbarDiv.insert(alink); } } else { let alink = ' 50) { parentname = parentname.substr(0, 50)+"..."; } parentname = " "+parentname; var del = new Element('span',{'class':'active d-block','title':"Disconnect this from: "+parentname}); del.insert("Disconnect"); del.connid = connection.connid; var fromName = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { fromName = node.description; } var toName = connection.to[0].cnode.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connection.to[0].cnode.role[0].role.name) != -1) { toName = connection.to[0].cnode.description; } Event.observe(del,'click',function (){deleteNodeConnection(this.connid, fromName, toName, node.handler)}); toolbarDiv.insert(del); } if (connection.description == "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme" && focalrole.name != "Theme")) { var extra = getNodeTitleAntecedence(connection.from[0].cnode.role[0].role.name, false); var addRelevance = new Element('a',{'class':'d-block', 'href':'#', 'title':"Add why this is a relevant association to the above "+extra}); addRelevance.insert("Add Relevance"); addRelevance.connid = connection.connid; Event.observe(addRelevance,'click',function () { editConnectionDescription(this.connid, "") }); 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} var voteDiv = new Element("span", {'class':'d-block'}); voteDiv.insert('Vote:'); Event.observe(voteDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); toolbarDiv.insert(voteDiv); var toRoleName = getNodeTitleAntecedence(connection.torole[0].role.name, false); // vote for var voteforimg = document.createElement('img'); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-grey.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting For'); voteforimg.setAttribute('id', connection.connid+'for'); voteforimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteforimg.connid = connection.connid; voteforimg.vote='Y'; voteforimg.style.verticalAlign="bottom"; voteforimg.style.marginRight="3px"; voteforimg.style.marginLeft="10px"; voteDiv.insert(voteforimg); if (!connection.positivevotes) { connection.positivevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteforimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (role.name == 'Solution') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Strong Idea for this '+toRoleName; } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Sound Fact for this '+toRoleName; 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"; dStr += "Added by: "+ nodeuser.name + ""; iuDiv.insert(dStr); userbar.insert(iuDiv); nextCell.appendChild(userbar); // META DATA - DESCRIPTION, TAGS, URLS, LOCATION ETC // add url if a resource node if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { innerexpandDiv.insert('Url:'); var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'target':'_blank','title':'View site'} ); link.insert(node.name); innerexpandDiv.insert(link); if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { var hasClips = false; var iUL = new Element("ul", {}); for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ if (node.urls[i].url.clip && node.urls[i].url.clip != "") { var link = new Element("li"); link.insert(node.urls[i].url.clip); iUL.insert(link); hasClips = true; } if (node.urls[i].url.identifier && node.urls[i].url.identifier != "" && role.name == 'Publication') { expandDiv.insert('
DOI: '+node.urls[i].url.identifier+''); } } if (hasClips) { innerexpandDiv.insert('
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'; innerexpandDiv.insert(grpStr); } if (connection && connection.description != "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme") && node.nodeid == connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { innerexpandDiv.insert('Relevance: '+connection.description+''); innerexpandDiv.insert('
'); } var dStr = ""; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ dStr += '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { innerexpandDiv.description = true; dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; innerexpandDiv.insert(dStr); } } // CHILD LISTS if (node.children && DEBATE_TREE_SMALL) { var nodes = node.children if (nodes.length > 0) { childCell.insert('
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'); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { childCell.insert('
'); var resourceDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'resource'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;padding-left:10px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:block;'} ); childCell.insert(resourceDiv); childload(resourceDiv, node.nodeid,"Resources", "is related to", RESOURCE_TYPES_STR, focalnodeid, uniQ, childCountSpan); childCell.insert('
'); } else { lineCell.className=""; // "1px solid white"; // hide the dot } } else { lineCell.className=""; // = "1px solid white"; // hide the dot } idDiv.insert(innerexpandDiv); idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection of the knowledge tree in a print page. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderReportConnectionNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser){ var originaluniQ = uniQ; if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var connection = node.connection; var user = null; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } var focalnodeid = ""; if (node.focalnodeid) { focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; } var focalrole = ""; var connrole = role; var otherend = ""; if (connection) { uniQ = connection.connid+uniQ; var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { connrole = connection.fromrole[0].role; focalrole = tN.role[0].role; otherend = tN; } else { connrole = connection.torole[0].role; focalrole = fN.role[0].role; otherend = fN; } } else { uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title','style':'padding:0px;'}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); if (!node.istop) { var lineCell = row.insertCell(-1); lineCell.width="15px;" lineCell.vAlign="middle"; } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; var textCellDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textDivCell'+uniQ, 'name':'textDivCell', 'class':'whiteborder', 'style':'float:left;padding:3px;'}); textCellDiv.nodeid = node.nodeid; textCellDiv.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; textCellDiv.nodetype = role.name; textCellDiv.parentuniQ = originaluniQ; if (connection) { textCellDiv.connection = connection; } var toolbarCell = row.insertCell(-1); toolbarCell.vAlign="middle"; toolbarCell.align="left"; toolbarCell.width="80"; textCell.insert(textCellDiv); var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Connected by "+user.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT)+' - Click to view/hide additional information' // ADD THE NODE ICON var nodeArea = new Element("span", {'class':'itemtextblackinactive', 'name':'nodeArea', 'style':'float:left;padding-top:2px;'} ); nodeArea.nodeid = node.nodeid; nodeArea.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); // ADD THE NODE LABEL textCellDiv.appendChild(nodeArea); if (role.name != 'Comment') { var nodeextra = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, true); if (node.nodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) { if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connrole.name) != -1) { nodeArea.insert("


"); } else { nodeArea.insert("


"); } } else { if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connrole.name) != -1) { nodeArea.insert(""+nodeextra+""+node.description+""); } else { nodeArea.insert(""+nodeextra+""+node.name+""); } } // get descriptions as they don't come over by default in connections if (node.hasdesc){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getnode&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(node.nodeid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } Element.insert($("desc"+uniQ+"div"), json.cnode[0].description); } }); } } if (node.istop) { var expandArrow = null; if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 || role.name == "Challenge" || role.name == "Issue" || role.name == "Solution" || role.name == "Claim") { var childCount = new Element('div',{'class':'toptreecount', 'title':'The number of entries currently added to this knowledge tree'}); } } ihDiv.insert(itDiv); var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var expandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'treedesc'+uniQ, 'style':'padding:left:0px;margin-left:0px;color:black;'} ); expandDiv.style.display = 'block'; var hint = alttext+": "+node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { hint = node.description; } hint += " - Click to scroll to this" /** * This is for the rollover hint around the vertical line - background image 21px wide 1px line in middle * This was the only way to get it to work in all four main browsers!!!!! **/ var expandTable = document.createElement( 'table', {'style':'empty-cells:show;border-collapse:collapse;'} ); expandTable.height="100%"; var expandrow = expandTable.insertRow(-1); expandrow.style.height="100%"; if (node.istop) { expandTable.style.marginLeft = "5px"; } else { expandTable.style.marginLeft = "20px"; } var lineCell = expandrow.insertCell(-1); lineCell.style.borderLeft = "1px solid white"; // needed for IE to draw the background image lineCell.width="5px;"; lineCell.style.marginLeft="3px"; var childCell = expandrow.insertCell(-1); childCell.vAlign="top"; childCell.align="left"; childCell.style.padding="0px"; childCell.style.margin="0px"; expandDiv.insert(expandTable); if (node.istop) { expandDiv.style.marginLeft = "22px"; } else { expandDiv.style.marginLeft = "4px"; } /** EXPAND DIV **/ var innerexpandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'desc'+uniQ,'class':'ideadata', 'style':'padding-left:20px;color:black;display:block;'} ); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; innerexpandDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var nextCell = row.insertCell(-1); nextCell.vAlign="middle"; nextCell.align="left"; // USER ICON NAME AND CREATIONS DATES var userbar = new Element("div", {'class':'userbar'} ); if (includeUser == true) { // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':nodeuser.name, 'title': nodeuser.name, 'style':'padding-right:5px;', 'src': nodeuser.thumb}); iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) userbar.appendChild(iuDiv); } var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left;'}); var dStr = ""; var cDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); dStr += "Added on: "+ cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) + "
"; dStr += "Added by: "+ nodeuser.name + ""; iuDiv.insert(dStr); userbar.insert(iuDiv); nextCell.appendChild(userbar); // META DATA - DESCRIPTION, TAGS, URLS, LOCATION ETC // add url if a resource node if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { innerexpandDiv.insert('Url:'); var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'target':'_blank','title':'View site'} ); link.insert(node.name); innerexpandDiv.insert(link); if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { var hasClips = false; var iUL = new Element("ul", {}); for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ if (node.urls[i].url.clip && node.urls[i].url.clip != "") { var link = new Element("li"); link.insert(node.urls[i].url.clip); iUL.insert(link); hasClips = true; } if (node.urls[i].url.identifier && node.urls[i].url.identifier != "" && role.name == 'Publication') { innerexpandDiv.insert('
DOI: '+node.urls[i].url.identifier+''); } } if (hasClips) { innerexpandDiv.insert('
'); } innerexpandDiv.insert(iUL); } } //tags if(node.tags && node.tags.length > 0){ var grpStr = "
Tags: "; for (var i=0 ; i < node.tags.length; i++){ var tag = null; if (node.tags[i].name) { tag = node.tags[i]; } else { tag = node.tags[i].tag } grpStr += tag.name; if (i < node.tags.length-1) { grpStr += ','; } } grpStr += '
'; innerexpandDiv.insert(grpStr); } if (connection && connection.description != "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme") && node.nodeid == connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { innerexpandDiv.insert('Relevance: '+connection.description+''); innerexpandDiv.insert('
'); } var dStr = ""; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ dStr += '
Description: '; if (node.description && node.description != "") { innerexpandDiv.description = true; dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; innerexpandDiv.insert(dStr); } } // CHILD LISTS if (node.children) { var nodes = node.children if (nodes.length > 0) { childCell.insert('
'); var childrenDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'children'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:0px;padding-left:0px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:block;'} ); childCell.insert(childrenDiv); childCell.insert('
'); displayReportConnectionNodes(childrenDiv, nodes, parseInt(0), true, uniQ); } } idDiv.insert(innerexpandDiv); idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection in the debate tree. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderChatNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, childCountSpan){ if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if (childCountSpan === undefined) { childCountSpan = null; } var originaluniQ = uniQ; if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } //needs to check if embedded as a snippet var breakout = ""; if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalnodeid = ""; if (node.focalnodeid) { focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; } var focalrole = ""; var connrole = role; var otherend = ""; if (connection) { uniQ = connection.connid+uniQ; var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { connrole = connection.fromrole[0].role; focalrole = tN.role[0].role; otherend = tN; } else { connrole = connection.torole[0].role; focalrole = fN.role[0].role; otherend = fN; } } else { uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title','style':'padding:0px;'}); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); // ADD THE ARROW IF REQUIRED if (node.istop) { var expandArrow = null; var arrowCell = row.insertCell(-1); arrowCell.width = "25px" if (CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["chat"+uniQ] && CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["chat"+uniQ] == true) { expandArrow = new Element('img',{'id':'explorechatarrow'+uniQ, 'name':'explorechatarrow', 'alt':'>', 'title':'Show/hide the replies','src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-down-blue.png'}); expandArrow.uniqueid = uniQ; } else { expandArrow = new Element('img',{'id':'explorechatarrow'+uniQ, 'name':'explorechatarrow', 'alt':'>', 'title':'Show/hide the replies','src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-right-blue.png'}); expandArrow.uniqueid = uniQ; } Event.observe(expandArrow,'click',function (){ toggleChat("chat"+uniQ,uniQ, false);}); arrowCell.insert(expandArrow); } else { var lineCell = row.insertCell(-1); lineCell.style.borderLeft = "1px solid white"; // needed for IE to draw the background image lineCell.width="15px;" lineCell.vAlign="middle"; var lineDiv = new Element('div',{'class':'graylinewide', 'style':'float:left;width:100%;'}); lineCell.insert(lineDiv); } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; var textCellDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textChatDivCell'+uniQ, 'name':'textChatDivCell', 'class':'whiteborder textChatDivCell'}); textCellDiv.nodeid = node.nodeid; textCellDiv.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; textCellDiv.nodetype = role.name; textCellDiv.parentuniQ = originaluniQ; if (connection) { textCellDiv.connection = connection; } var toolbarCell = row.insertCell(-1); toolbarCell.vAlign="middle"; toolbarCell.align="left"; toolbarCell.width="100"; textCell.insert(textCellDiv); var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Added on "+cDate.format(TIME_FORMAT); // ADD THE NODE ICON - User IMAGE var nodeArea = new Element("span", {'name':'nodeArea' ,'title':dStr} ); nodeArea.nodeid = node.nodeid; nodeArea.focalnodeid = node.focalnodeid; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':user.name, 'title': user.name, 'class':'userChat', 'src': user.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+user.userid, 'title':user.name}); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); nodeArea.update(imagelink); } else { nodeArea.insert(userimageThumb) } nodeArea.insert(node.name); textCellDiv.appendChild(nodeArea); // if this node is the latest node added to the tree - highlight it // parentnode in the case of the chat topic connection, is the newest node added, rather than the parent connection. if (node.chattopic.parentnode && node.chattopic.parentnode[0].cnode.nodeid == node.nodeid) { textCellDiv.className = 'plainborder recentReply'; } if (CHATNODEID != "" && CHATNODEID == node.nodeid) { textCellDiv.className = textCellDiv.className + ' selectedback'; } // ADD THE MENU ICON IF REQUIRED var menuButton = null; var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;width:130px;border:1px solid gray;background:white'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); if (node.istop) { var expandArrow = null; var childCount = new Element('div',{'class':'toptreecount', 'title':'The number of replies currently added to this Chat topic'}); childCount.insert("("); childCountSpan = new Element('span',{'name':'topchattreecount'}); childCountSpan.id = 'topchattreecount'+uniQ; childCountSpan.insert(0); childCountSpan.uniqueid = uniQ; childCount.insert(childCountSpan); childCount.insert(")"); toolbarCell.insert(childCount); } var delButton = null; // ADD ACTION MENU if (type == 'active') { menuButton = new Element('img',{'alt':'>', 'class':'menuicon', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/menuicon.png'}); toolbarCell.appendChild(menuButton); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseover',function (event) { var position = getPosition(this); var panel = $('toolbardiv'+uniQ); var panelWidth = 150; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = position.x; var y = position.y; if ( (x+panelWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panelWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } x = x+30+getPageOffsetX(); panel.style.left = x+"px"; panel.style.top = y+"px"; showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;width:150px;border:1px solid gray;background:white'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); toolbarCell.appendChild(toolbarDiv); if (USER != "") { var addButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block', 'title':'Post a reply to this Chat item'} ); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function () { hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); $('prompttext').innerHTML=""; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = (viewportWidth-400)/2; var y = (viewportHeight-200)/2; var innerPromptDiv = new Element('div', {'class':'prompttext-inner'}); var textarea1 = new Element('textarea', {'id':'messagetextarea','rows':'5','class':'form-control'}); var buttonOK = new Element('input', { 'class':'btn btn-primary', 'type':'button', 'value':'Add'}); Event.observe(buttonOK,'click', function() { var comment = textarea1.value; if (comment != "") { var type = "Comment"; var parentconnid = node.chattopic.connid; var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=connectnodetocomment&nodetypename="+type+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid+"&parentconnid="+parentconnid+"&parentid="+nodeObj.nodeid+"&comment="+encodeURIComponent(comment); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); } else { var from = json.connection[0].from[0].cnode; CHATNODEID = from.nodeid; refreshExploreChats(); } }, }); } $('prompttext').style.display = "none"; $('prompttext').update(""); var backDrop = document.getElementById("backDrop"); backDrop.remove(); }); var buttonCancel = new Element('input', { 'class':'btn btn-secondary', 'type':'button', 'value':'Close'}); Event.observe(buttonCancel,'click', function() { $('prompttext').style.display = "none"; $('prompttext').update(""); var backDrop = document.getElementById("backDrop"); backDrop.remove(); }); var footerPromptDiv = new Element('div', {'class':'prompttext-footer'}); footerPromptDiv.insert(buttonOK); footerPromptDiv.insert(buttonCancel); innerPromptDiv.insert(textarea1); innerPromptDiv.insert(footerPromptDiv); $('prompttext').insert(innerPromptDiv); $('prompttext').style.display = "block"; document.body.classList.add("modal-open"); var backDrop = new Element('div', {'class':'modal-backdrop fade show', 'id':'backDrop'}); document.body.insert(backDrop); textarea1.focus(); }); Event.observe(addButton,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); addButton.insert("Reply"); addButton.href= "#"; toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); if (connection && USER == connection.users[0].user.userid && node.nodeid == connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { var parentname = otherend.name; if (parentname.length > 50) { parentname = parentname.substr(0, 50)+"..."; } parentname = " "+parentname; delButton = new Element('span',{'id':'chatremove'+uniQ, 'class':'active', 'style':'display:none;','title':"Delete this item "}); delButton.insert("Delete"); delButton.connid = connection.connid; var parentconnid = node.chattopic.connid Event.observe(delButton,'click',function (){deleteChatNode(node.nodeid, node.name, node.handler, parentconnid)}); toolbarDiv.insert(delButton); } if (USER != "" && ( (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "all") || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "user" && USER == user.userid) || (BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS == "admin" && IS_USER_ADMIN == "Y") )){ toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Issue'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Issue"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addissue',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/issueadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&chatparentid=+"+nodeObj.nodeid+"&issue="+encodeURIComponent(node.name), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); if (hasClaim) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Fact'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Fact"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addclaim',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/claimadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&chatparentid=+"+nodeObj.nodeid+"&claim="+encodeURIComponent(node.name), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } if (hasSolution) { var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to a Idea'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Idea"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addsolution',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/solutionadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&chatparentid=+"+nodeObj.nodeid+"&solution="+encodeURIComponent(node.name), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } var addButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Argument'} ); addButton.insert("Make into Argument"); Event.observe(addButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('addevidence',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/evidenceadd.php?handler="+node.handler+"&chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&chatparentid=+"+nodeObj.nodeid+"&summary="+encodeURIComponent(node.name), 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addButton); } } else { var button = new Element("span"); button.style.color="dimgray"; button.style.cursor="pointer"; button.title="Sign In to add to the Evidence Hub"; button.insert("Reply"); Event.observe(button,"click", function(){ $('loginsubmit').click(); return true; }); toolbarDiv.appendChild(button); } } ihDiv.insert(itDiv); var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var expandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'chat'+uniQ,'class':'ideadata', 'style':'padding:left:0px;margin-left:0px;color:Gray;'} ); if (node.istop) { if (CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["chat"+uniQ] && CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY["chat"+uniQ] == true) { expandDiv.style.display = 'block'; } else { expandDiv.style.display = 'none'; } } else { expandDiv.style.display = 'block'; } var hint = node.name+" - Click to scroll to this" /** * This is for the rollover hint around the vertical line - background image 21px wide 1px line in middle * This was the only way to get it to work in all four main browsers!!!!! **/ var expandTable = document.createElement( 'table', {'style':'empty-cells:show;border-collapse:collapse;'} ); expandTable.height="100%"; var expandrow = expandTable.insertRow(-1); expandrow.style.height="100%"; if (node.istop) { expandTable.style.marginLeft = "9px"; } else { expandTable.style.marginLeft = "26px"; } var lineCell = expandrow.insertCell(-1); lineCell.style.borderLeft = "1px solid white"; // needed for IE to draw the background image lineCell.width="5px;"; lineCell.style.marginLeft="3px"; lineCell.title=hint; lineCell.className="grayline"; Event.observe(lineCell,'click',function (){ var pos = getPosition(textCellDiv); window.scroll(0,pos.y-3); }); var childCell = expandrow.insertCell(-1); childCell.vAlign="top"; childCell.align="left"; childCell.style.padding="0px"; childCell.style.margin="0px"; expandDiv.insert(expandTable); if (node.istop) { expandDiv.style.marginLeft = "22px"; } else { expandDiv.style.marginLeft = "4px"; } // CHECK FOR / LOAD CHILD LISTS if (node.children) { var nodes = node.children; nodes.sort(creationdatenodesortasc); if (nodes.length > 0){ // process the child list adding properties. for (var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var nextchild = nodes[i]; nextchild.cnode['parentid'] = node.nodeid; nextchild.cnode['chattopic'] = node.chattopic; } childCell.insert('
'); var childrenDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'children'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:0px;padding-left:0px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:block;'} ); childCell.insert(childrenDiv); childCell.insert('
'); var parentrefreshhanlder = ""; if (node.istop) { childCountSpan.update(nodes.length); if ($('explorechatarrow'+uniQ)) { $('explorechatarrow'+uniQ).style.visibility = 'visible'; } } else { if (childCountSpan != null) { var countnow = parseInt(childCountSpan.innerHTML); var finalcount = countnow+nodes.length; childCountSpan.innerHTML = finalcount; } } displayChatNodes(childrenDiv, nodes, parseInt(0), true, uniQ, childCountSpan); } else { if (delButton) { delButton.style.display = "block"; } } } else { if (delButton) { delButton.style.display = "block"; } } idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderWidgetListNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type){ if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var user = null; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalrole = ""; if (connection) { uniQ = connection.connid+uniQ; var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { focalrole = tN.role[0].role; } else { focalrole = fN.role[0].role; } } else { uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; } var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var ihDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'padding:0px;margin:0px;'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title'}); ihDiv.insert(itDiv); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (node.imagethumbnail != null && node.imagethumbnail != "") { var originalurl = ""; if(node.urls && node.urls.length > 0){ for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ var urlid = node.urls[i].url.urlid; if (urlid == node.imageurlid) { originalurl = node.urls[i].url.url; break; } } } if (originalurl == "") { originalurl = node.imagethumbnail; } var iconlink = new Element('a', { 'href':originalurl, 'title':"View original image", 'target': '_blank' }); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':"View original image", 'style':'width:20px;height:20px;padding-right:5px;', 'src': URL_ROOT + node.imagethumbnail}); iconlink.insert(nodeicon); textCell.insert(iconlink); textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } else if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'width:20px;height:20px;margin-top:3px;padding-right:5px;','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); textCell.insert(nodeicon); } else { textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { textCell.insert(""+node.description+""); } else { textCell.insert(""+node.name+""); } if (connection) { var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Connected by "+user.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT)+' - Click to view/hide additional information'; textCell.title = dStr; } var toolbarCell = row.insertCell(-1); toolbarCell.vAlign="middle"; toolbarCell.align="left"; // ADD ACTION MENU / ITEMS if (type == 'active') { if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 ) { var menuButton = new Element('img',{'alt':'>', 'class':'menuicon','src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/menuicon.png'}); toolbarCell.appendChild(menuButton); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseover',function (event) { var position = getPosition(this); var panel = $('toolbardiv'+uniQ); var panelWidth = 130; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = position.x; var y = position.y; if ( (x+panelWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panelWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } x = x+30+getPageOffsetX(); panel.style.left = x+"px"; panel.style.top = y+"px"; showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;width:130px;border:1px solid gray;background:white'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); toolbarCell.appendChild(toolbarDiv); if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'title':'Open the associated web page in a new tab', 'target':'_blank', 'style':'margin-bottom:5px;clear:both;float:left;'} ); link.insert("Go to web page"); toolbarDiv.insert(link); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"Go to full information on this item."} ); exploreButton.insert("Full Details"); exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; toolbarDiv.appendChild(exploreButton); if (role.name != 'Theme' && role.name != 'Organization' && role.name != 'Project') { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"Go and explore the Knowledge trees around this item"} ); exploreButton.insert("Knowledge Trees"); exploreButton.href= "knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; toolbarDiv.appendChild(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"View all the Chats about this item"} ); exploreButton.insert("Chats"); exploreButton.href= "chats.php?id="+node.nodeid; toolbarDiv.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButtonNet = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"View the network graph around this item (uses a Java Applet)"} ); exploreButtonNet.insert("Network Graph"); exploreButtonNet.href= "networkgraph.php?id="+node.nodeid; toolbarDiv.appendChild(exploreButtonNet); toolbarDiv.appendChild(createMenuSpacer()); if (USER == nodeuser.userid) { createEditMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, "", nodeuser); } if (connection && USER == connection.users[0].user.userid) { var del = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':"Disconnect this from the current focal item"} ); del.insert("Remove"); del.connid = connection.connid; var parentname = ""; if (node.nodeid == connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { parentname = connection.to[0].cnode.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connection.to[0].cnode.role[0].role.name) != -1) { parentname = connection.to[0].cnode.description; } } else { parentname = connection.from[0].cnode.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connection.from[0].cnode.role[0].role.name) != -1) { parentname = connection.from[0].cnode.description; } } var fromName = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { fromName = node.description; } var toName = parentname; Event.observe(del,'click',function (){ deleteNodeConnection(this.connid, fromName, toName, node.handler)}); toolbarDiv.insert(del); if (connection.description == "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme" && focalrole.name != "Theme") ) { var addRelevance = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':"Add why this is a relevant association to the focal node"} ); addRelevance.insert("Add Relevance"); addRelevance.connid = connection.connid; var handler = new function() { location.reload(); } Event.observe(addRelevance,'click',function () { editConnectionDescription(this.connid, "", handler) }); toolbarDiv.appendChild(addRelevance); } else if (connection.description != "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme" && focalrole.name != "Theme") ) { var editRelevance = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':"Edit the text you entered for why this is a relavant association to the focal node"} ); editRelevance.insert("Edit Relevance"); editRelevance.connid = connection.connid; var handler = new function() { location.reload(); } Event.observe(editRelevance,'click',function (){ editConnectionDescription(this.connid, connection.description, handler) }); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editRelevance); } } var connector = new Element('a',{'class':'d-block','title':"Go to the connectors Home Page: "+user.name}); connector.insert("Who connected it?"); connector.href = URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+user.userid, toolbarDiv.appendChild(connector); // Add voting icons if (connection && connection.linktype[0].linktype.label != 'see also') { if ( (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution")) || (role.name == 'Claim' && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Issue" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Challenge")) || (role.name == 'Solution' && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Issue" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Challenge")) ) { var voteDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'voteDiv d-flex mt-1'}); voteDiv.insert('Vote:'); toolbarDiv.insert(voteDiv); var toRoleName = getNodeTitleAntecedence(connection.torole[0].role.name, false); // vote for var voteforimg = document.createElement('img'); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-grey.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting For'); voteforimg.setAttribute('id', connection.connid+'for'); voteforimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteforimg.connid = connection.connid; voteforimg.vote='Y'; voteforimg.style.verticalAlign="bottom"; voteforimg.style.marginRight="3px"; voteDiv.insert(voteforimg); if (!connection.positivevotes) { connection.positivevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteforimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (role.name == 'Solution') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Strong Idea for this '+toRoleName; } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Sound Fact for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution") { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Convincing Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim") { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Sound Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Promote this...'; } if (connection.uservote && connection.uservote == 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!connection.uservote || connection.uservote != 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', voteforimg.oldtitle); } voteDiv.insert(''+connection.positivevotes+''); } else { voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Promote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+connection.positivevotes+''); } // vote against var voteagainstimg = document.createElement('img'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-grey.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting Against'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('id', connection.connid+'against'); voteagainstimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteagainstimg.connid = connection.connid; voteagainstimg.vote='N'; voteagainstimg.style.verticalAlign="bottom"; voteagainstimg.style.marginRight="3px"; voteDiv.insert(voteagainstimg); if (!connection.negativevotes) { connection.negativevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteagainstimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (role.name == 'Solution') { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Weak Idea for this '+toRoleName; } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Unsound Fact for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution") { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Unconvincing Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim") { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = '$LNG->NODE_VOTE_AGAINST_EVIDENCE_CLAIM_HINT '+toRoleName; } else { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Demote this...'; } if (connection.uservote && connection.uservote == 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!connection.uservote || connection.uservote != 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', voteagainstimg.oldtitle); } voteDiv.insert(''+connection.negativevotes+''); } else { voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Demote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+connection.negativevotes+''); } } } } } ihDiv.insert(itDiv); var iwDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-wrapper'}); var imDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-main'}); var idDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-detail'}); var expandDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'desc'+uniQ,'class':'ideadata', 'style':'display:none;'} ); if (node.nodetofocusid && node.nodetofocusid != "" && node.nodetofocusid == node.nodeid) { expandDiv.style.display="block"; loadDescriptionRef(node.nodeid, "desc"+uniQ, role.name); } var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; expandDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var nextCell = row.insertCell(-1); nextCell.vAlign="middle"; nextCell.align="left"; var userbar = new Element("div", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;'} ); if (includeUser == true) { // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2', 'style':'float:left;'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':nodeuser.name, 'title': nodeuser.name, 'style':'padding-left:5px;', 'src': nodeuser.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+nodeuser.userid, 'title':nodeuser.name}); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } userbar.appendChild(iuDiv); } var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left;'}); var dStr = ""; var cDate = new Date(node.creationdate*1000); dStr += "Added on: "+ cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) + "
"; dStr += "Added by: "+ nodeuser.name + ""; iuDiv.insert(dStr); userbar.insert(iuDiv); nextCell.appendChild(userbar); if (node.commonthemes) { expandDiv.insert("
Shared Themes: "+ node.commonthemes + "

"); } if (connection && connection.description != "" && (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(role.name) == -1 && role.name != "Theme" && focalrole.name != "Theme")) { expandDiv.insert('Relevance: '+connection.description+''); expandDiv.insert('
'); } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) == -1) { if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ var dStr = '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { expandDiv.description = true; dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; expandDiv.insert(dStr); } } // CHILD LISTS if (role.name == 'Challenge') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var issueStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(issueStr); var issueDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'issue'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(issueDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var claimStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(claimStr); var claimDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'claim'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(claimDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Issue') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var solutionStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(solutionStr); var solutionDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'solution'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(solutionDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var claimStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(claimStr); var claimDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'claim'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(claimDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Claim' || role.name == 'Solution') { expandDiv.insert('
'); var supportStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(supportStr); var supportDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'support'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(supportDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); var opposeStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(opposeStr); var opposingDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'oppose'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(opposingDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { expandDiv.insert('
'); var resourceStr = ") "; expandDiv.insert(resourceStr); var resourceDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'resource'+uniQ, 'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-bottom:5px;color:Gray;display:none;'} ); expandDiv.insert(resourceDiv); expandDiv.insert('
'); } else if (role.name == 'Comment' && node.connection) { var tN = node.connection.to[0].cnode; var tRole = tN.role[0].role; var title=tN.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(tRole.name) != -1) { title = tN.description; } if (tN.role[0].role.name == "Comment") { if (node.connection.parentnode) { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "This item appears in a Chat about: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var title = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.name; var parentid = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.nodeid; var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); exploreButton.insert(title); exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+parentid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } else { var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""; expandDiv.insert(nextStr); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); exploreButton.insert(title); exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+node.nodeid+"&id="+tN.nodeid; expandDiv.insert(exploreButton); } } idDiv.insert(expandDiv); imDiv.insert(idDiv); iwDiv.insert(imDiv); iDiv.insert(ihDiv); iDiv.insert(iwDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ function renderWidgetListNodeMini(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type){ if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var user = null; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalrole = ""; if (connection) { uniQ = connection.connid+uniQ; var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { focalrole = tN.role[0].role; } else { focalrole = fN.role[0].role; } } else { uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; } var nodeTable = document.createElement('table'); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable"; var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); // VOTING if (type == 'active') { // Add voting icons if (connection && connection.linktype[0].linktype.label != 'see also') { if ( (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution")) || (role.name == 'Claim' && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Issue" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Challenge")) || (role.name == 'Solution' && (connection.torole[0].role.name == "Issue" || connection.torole[0].role.name == "Challenge")) ) { var voteCell = row.insertCell(-1); voteCell.vAlign="top"; voteCell.align="left"; var voteDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'voteDiv d-flex mt-1'}); voteCell.insert(voteDiv); var toRoleName = getNodeTitleAntecedence(connection.torole[0].role.name, false); // vote for var voteforimg = document.createElement('img'); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-grey.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting For'); voteforimg.setAttribute('id', connection.connid+'for'); voteforimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteforimg.connid = connection.connid; voteforimg.vote='Y'; voteDiv.insert(voteforimg); if (!connection.positivevotes) { connection.positivevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteforimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (role.name == 'Solution') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Strong Idea for this '+toRoleName; } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Sound Fact for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution") { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Convincing Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim") { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Sound Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else { voteforimg.oldtitle = 'Promote this...'; } if (connection.uservote && connection.uservote == 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!connection.uservote || connection.uservote != 'Y') { Event.observe(voteforimg,'click',function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); voteforimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty.png'); voteforimg.setAttribute('title', voteforimg.oldtitle); } voteDiv.insert(''+connection.positivevotes+''); } else { voteforimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Promote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+connection.positivevotes+''); } // vote against var voteagainstimg = document.createElement('img'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-grey.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('alt', 'Voting Against'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('id', connection.connid+'against'); voteagainstimg.nodeid = node.nodeid; voteagainstimg.connid = connection.connid; voteagainstimg.vote='N'; voteDiv.insert(voteagainstimg); if (!connection.negativevotes) { connection.negativevotes = 0; } if(USER != ""){ voteagainstimg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (role.name == 'Solution') { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Weak Idea for this '+toRoleName; } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Unsound Fact for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Solution") { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Unconvincing Argument for this '+toRoleName; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1 && connection.torole[0].role.name == "Claim") { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = '$LNG->NODE_VOTE_AGAINST_EVIDENCE_CLAIM_HINT '+toRoleName; } else { voteagainstimg.oldtitle = 'Demote this...'; } if (connection.uservote && connection.uservote == 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); } else if (!connection.uservote || connection.uservote != 'N') { Event.observe(voteagainstimg,'click',function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty.png'); voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', voteagainstimg.oldtitle); } voteDiv.insert(''+connection.negativevotes+''); } else { voteagainstimg.setAttribute('title', 'Sign In to Demote this'); voteDiv.insert(''+connection.negativevotes+''); } } } } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; textCell.width="90%"; var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'width:20px;height:20px;margin-top:3px;padding-right:5px;','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); textCell.insert(nodeicon); } else { textCell.insert(alttext+": "); } var title = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { title=node.description; } var exploreButton = new Element('a', {'class':'itemtext', 'id':'desctoggle'+uniQ, 'style':'line-height:1.8em;'}); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploreButton.insert(title); textCell.insert(exploreButton); if (connection) { var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Connected by "+user.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT)+' - Go to full information on this item.'; textCell.title = dStr; } if (connection && USER == connection.users[0].user.userid) { var delCell = row.insertCell(-1); delCell.vAlign="middle"; delCell.align="right"; delCell.width="20"; var del = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':"Disconnect this from the current focal item"} ); del.insert(''); del.connid = connection.connid; var parentname = ""; if (node.nodeid == connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { parentname = connection.to[0].cnode.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connection.to[0].cnode.role[0].role.name) != -1) { parentname = connection.to[0].cnode.description; } } else { parentname = connection.from[0].cnode.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(connection.from[0].cnode.role[0].role.name) != -1) { parentname = connection.from[0].cnode.description; } } var fromName = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { fromName = node.description; } var toName = parentname; Event.observe(del,'click',function (){ deleteNodeConnection(this.connid, fromName, toName, node.handler)}); delCell.insert(del); } return nodeTable; } /** * Render the given node for a report. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node */ function renderReportNode(node, uniQ, role){ if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } var user = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { user = node.users[0]; } else { user = node.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } uniQ = node.nodeid + uniQ; var iDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'clear:both;float:left; margin-bottom:10px'}); var itDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left;'}); //get url for any saved image. //add left side with icon image and node text. var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'title':alttext, 'style':'width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:5px;','width':'16','height':'16', 'src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); itDiv.insert(nodeicon); } else { itDiv.insert(alttext+": "); } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { if (node.description != "") { iDiv.insert(itDiv); var str = node.description; if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { str += '
Url: '+node.urls[0].url.url+''; } iDiv.insert(str); } } else { if (node.name != "") { iDiv.insert(itDiv); var str = "
"+node.name; str += "
"; iDiv.insert(str); } } return iDiv; } /*** HELPER FUNCTIONS ***/ var DEBATE_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY = {}; /** * Open and close the knowledge tree */ function toggleDebate(section, uniQ) { $(section).toggle(); if($(section).visible()){ DEBATE_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY[section] = true; $('explorearrow'+uniQ).src='https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-down-blue.png'; } else { DEBATE_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY[section] = false; $('explorearrow'+uniQ).src='https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-right-blue.png'; } } var CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY = {}; /** * Open and close the chat tree */ function toggleChat(section, uniQ, forceOpen) { if (forceOpen) { $(section).style.display = "block"; } else { $(section).toggle(); } if($(section).visible() || forceOpen){ CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY[section] = true; $('explorechatarrow'+uniQ).src='https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-down-blue.png'; } else { CHAT_TREE_OPEN_ARRAY[section] = false; $('explorechatarrow'+uniQ).src='https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/arrow-right-blue.png'; } } /** * Open and close the meta data sections - get additional stuff if required. */ function ideatoggle2(section, uniQ, id, sect, rolename) { $(section).toggle(); if(sect == "desc" && $(section).visible() && !$(section).description){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getnode&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(id); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } Element.insert($(section+'div'), {'bottom':json.cnode[0].description}); $(section).description = 'true'; } }); } } /** * Open and close the meta data sections - get additional stuff if required. */ function ideatoggle3(section, uniQ, id, sect, rolename) { $(section).toggle(); if($('open'+section)){ if($(section).visible()){ $('open'+section).update("« "); } else { $('open'+section).update("»"); } } if(sect == "desc" && $(section).visible() && !$(section).description){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getnode&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(id); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } Element.insert($(section+'div'), {'bottom':json.cnode[0].description}); $(section).description = 'true'; } }); } } function loadDescriptionRef(id, section, rolename) { if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(rolename) != -1) { // EVIDENCE loadReference(section+"ref", id); } } /** * Open and close the meta data sections - get details if required. */ function ideatoggle(section, id, sect){ $(section).toggle(); if($('open'+section)){ if($(section).visible()){ $('open'+section).update("-"); } else { $('open'+section).update("+"); } } //if it is the description if(sect == "desc" && $(section).visible() && !$(section).description){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getnode&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(id); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } Element.insert($(section), {'bottom':json.cnode[0].description}); $(section).description = 'true'; } }); } } /** * Open and close the meta data sections */ function justideatoggle(section){ $(section).toggle(); if($('open'+section)){ if($(section).visible()){ $('open'+section).update("-"); } else { $('open'+section).update("+"); } } } /** * Fetch the refence for an Evidence node */ function loadReference(section, nodeid) { if($(section) && !$(section).reference){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long&filternodetypes="+RESOURCE_TYPES+"&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent('is related to')+"&start=0&max=-1&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(nodeid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var url = ""; var refNode = ""; var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; var nodes = new Array(); var j=0; for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; if (RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(fnRole.name) && fN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (fN.name != "") { nodes[j] = fN; j++; } } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(tnRole.name) && tN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (tN.name != "") { nodes[j] = tN; j++; } } } for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; if (node.urls && node.urls.length > 0) { var iUL = new Element("li", {}); var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.urls[0].url.url,'target':'_blank','title':'View site'} ); link.insert(node.urls[0].url.title); iUL.insert(link); $(section).insert(iUL); } } $(section).reference = 'true'; } }); } } /** * Open and close the evidence - get data if required. */ function childtoggle(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype){ $(section).toggle(); if($('open'+section)){ if($(section).visible()){ $('open'+section).update("-"); } else { $('open'+section).update("+"); } } childload(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype); } /** * load data if required as per parameters. */ function childloadcount(section, nodeid, linktype, nodetype){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long"; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent(linktype)+"&filternodetypes="+nodetype+"&scope=all&start=0&max=0&nodeid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var count = json.connectionset[0].totalno; if (count > 0) { $("toggle"+section).style.display = 'block'; $("count"+section).update(count); } else { $("toggle"+section).style.display = 'none'; } } }); } /** * Refresh child list */ function refreshchildren(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype) { $(section).loaded = 'false'; childload(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype); } /** * load child list, if required as per parameters. */ function childload(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype, focalnodeid, uniQ, childCountSpan){ if (!DEBATE_TREE_SMALL) { DEBATE_LOADED_ARRAY['nodeid'+uniQ] = false; } if (typeof section === "string") { section = $(section); } if(section.visible() && (!section.loaded || section.loaded == 'false')){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long"; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent(linktype)+"&filternodetypes="+nodetype+"&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; section.update(""); if (!DEBATE_TREE_SMALL) { DEBATE_LOADED_ARRAY['nodeid'+uniQ] = true; } if (conns.length == 0) { section.style.display = 'none'; } else { var nodes = new Array(); for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; if ((fnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(fnRole.name) != -1) && fN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (fN.name != "") { var next = c.from[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['connection'] = c; next.cnode['focalnodeid'] = focalnodeid; nodes.push(next); } } else if ((tnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(tnRole.name) != -1) && tN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (tN.name != "") { var next = c.to[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['connection'] = c; next.cnode['focalnodeid'] = focalnodeid; nodes.push(next); } } } if (nodes.length > 0){ if ($('explorearrow'+uniQ)) { $('explorearrow'+uniQ).style.visibility = 'visible'; } // ONLY SORT OF TYPE IS RESOURCES - ALL OTHERS SHOULD BE SPLIT CORRECTLY if (nodetype == RESOURCE_TYPES_STR) { nodes.sort(connectiontypenodesort); nodes.sort(connectiontypealphanodesort); } if (childCountSpan != null) { var countnow = parseInt(childCountSpan.innerHTML); var finalcount = countnow+nodes.length; childCountSpan.innerHTML = finalcount; } var parentrefreshhanlder = ""; displayConnectionNodes(section, nodes, parseInt(0), true, uniQ, childCountSpan, parentrefreshhanlder); } section.loaded = 'true'; } } }); } else { childloadcount(section, nodeid, linktype, nodetype); } } /** * load comments built from data, if required as per parameters. */ function childcommentload(section, nodeid, linktype, nodetype, uniQ, searchid){ if (typeof section === "string") { section = $(section); } var title= "Used to build:"; if (nodetype == COMMENT_TYPES+",Idea") { title= "Build from:"; } if(!section.loaded || section.loaded == 'false'){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long"; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent(linktype)+"&filternodetypes="+nodetype+"&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; if (conns.length > 0) { var nodes = new Array(); for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; if ((tnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(tnRole.name) != -1) && tN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (tN.name != "") { var next = c.to[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['connection'] = c; nodes.push(next); } } else if ((fnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(fnRole.name) != -1) && fN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (fN.name != "") { var next = c.from[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['connection'] = c; next.cnode['direction'] = "from"; nodes.push(next); } } } if (nodes.length > 0) { section.insert(""+title+"
"); var count = nodes.length; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; node = node.cnode; var rolename = node.role[0].role.name; var icon = getNodeIconElement(node); var nodeTable = document.createElement( 'table' ); nodeTable.width="100%"; section.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var iconCell = row.insertCell(-1); iconCell.vAlign="top"; iconCell.align="left"; var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="middle"; textCell.align="left"; if (rolename != "Comment" && rolename != "Idea") { if (icon != null) { iconCell.insert(icon); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;;', 'title':'Click to show/hide where you can go and see more information and activities around this item'} ); exploreButton.insert(node.name); if (searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } textCell.insert(exploreButton); } else { if (icon != null) { iconCell.insert(icon); } if (rolename == "Idea") { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;', 'title':'Go to the Comment list for this Comment'} ); exploreButton.insert(node.name); if (searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "index.php?q="+encodeURIComponent(node.name)+"&sid="+node.searchid+"#comment-list"; } textCell.insert(exploreButton); } else { var exploreDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;', 'title':'Go to the Comment list for this Comment'} ); var textdiv = new Element("div", {'style':'margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:5px;clear:both;float:left;;'} ); textdiv.insert(node.name); var innerdiv = new Element("div", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;;'} ); exploreDiv.insert(textdiv); exploreDiv.insert(innerdiv); textCell.insert(exploreDiv); childchatusageload(innerdiv, node.nodeid,"is related to", EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR+","+BASE_TYPES_STR+","+COMMENT_TYPES, uniQ+node.nodeid, searchid); } } } } section.loaded = 'true'; } //if ($('loading'+uniQ)) { // $('loading'+uniQ).remove(); //} } }); } } /** * load child list, if required as per parameters. */ function childchatusageload(section, nodeid, linktype, nodetype, uniQ, searchid){ if (typeof section === "string") { section = $(section); } if(!section.loaded || section.loaded == 'false'){ //if (section.innerHTML == "" && (!section.loaded || section.loaded == 'false')) { // var hourglass = getLoadingLine("Checking usage"); // hourglass.id="loading"+uniQ; // section.insert(hourglass); //} var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long"; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent(linktype)+"&filternodetypes="+nodetype+"&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; if (conns.length > 0) { var nodes = new Array(); for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; // only want to get the To end if ((tnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(tnRole.name) != -1) && tN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (tN.name != "") { var next = c.to[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['connection'] = c; nodes.push(next); } } } if (nodes.length > 0) { var title="Which is in a Chat about:"; section.insert(''+title+''); var count = nodes.length; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; node = node.cnode; var role = node.role[0].role; var name = node.name if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { name = node.description; } if (role.name == "Comment") { if (node.connection.parentnode) { var icon = getNodeIconElement(node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode); var innertitle = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.name; var parentid = node.connection.parentnode[0].cnode.nodeid; var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+innertitle+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(innertitle); } if (searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+nodeid+"&id="+parentid+"&sid="+searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+nodeid+"&id="+parentid; } section.insert(exploreButton); } var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""+name+""; nextStr += ""; section.insert(nextStr); } else { var icon = getNodeIconElement(node); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':'View all the Chats about this item'} ); if (icon != null) { exploreButton.insert(icon); exploreButton.insert(''+name+''); } else { exploreButton.insert(name); } if (searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+nodeid+"&id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "chats.php?chatnodeid="+nodeid+"&id="+node.nodeid; } section.insert(exploreButton); var nextStr = ""; nextStr += "Connected To: "; nextStr += ""+name+""; nextStr += ""; section.insert(nextStr); } } } section.loaded = 'true'; } } }); } } /** * load child list on chat page, if required as per parameters. */ function childchatload(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype, chattopic, focalnodeid, uniQ, childCountSpan){ CHAT_LOADED_ARRAY['nodeid'+uniQ] = false; if (typeof section === "string") { section = $(section); } if($(section).visible() && (!$(section).loaded || $(section).loaded == 'false')){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long&sort=ASC&orderby=date"; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent('is related to')+"&filternodetypes=Comment&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } CHAT_LOADED_ARRAY['nodeid'+uniQ] = true; var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; section.update(""); if (conns.length == 0) { //section.style.display = 'none'; if ($('chat'+uniQ)) { $('chat'+uniQ).style.display = 'none'; } } else { var nodes = new Array(); for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; var fnRole = c.from[0].cnode.role[0].role; // c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.to[0].cnode.role[0].role; //c.torole[0].role; if (fN.nodeid != nodeid && COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(fnRole.name) != -1) { if (fN.name != "") { var next = c.from[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['chattopic'] = chattopic; next.cnode['connection'] = c; next.cnode['handler'] = 'refreshExploreChats'; nodes.push(next); } } } if (nodes.length > 0){ if ($('explorechatarrow'+uniQ)) { $('explorechatarrow'+uniQ).style.visibility = 'visible'; } if ($('chatremove'+uniQ)) { $('chatremove'+uniQ).style.display = "none"; } if (childCountSpan != null) { var countnow = parseInt(childCountSpan.innerHTML); var finalcount = countnow+nodes.length; childCountSpan.innerHTML = finalcount; } displayChatNodes(section, nodes, parseInt(0), true, uniQ, childCountSpan); } else { if ($('chat'+uniQ)) { $('chat'+uniQ).style.display = 'none'; } section.style.display = 'none'; } section.loaded = 'true'; } } }); } else { //childloadcount(section, nodeid, linktype, nodetype); } } /** * Delete the selected node */ function deleteNode(nodeid, name, type, handler, handlerparam){ var typename = getNodeTitleAntecedence(type, false); if (type == "") { typename = 'item'; } var ans = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the "+typename+": '"+htmlspecialchars_decode(name)+"'?"); if(ans){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deletenode&nodeid=" + encodeURIComponent(nodeid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } //now refresh the page if (handler) { if (typeof handler == 'string') { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { if (handlerparam) { eval( handler + "('"+handlerparam+"')" ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } } else if (typeof handler == 'function') { if (handlerparam) { handler(handlerparam); } else { handler(); } } else { console.log(typeof handler); } } else { try { // If you are deleting the currently viewed item if (nodeid == NODE_ARGS['nodeid']) { window.location.href = "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/"; } else { window.location.reload(true); } } catch(err) { //do nothing } } } }); } } function nodeVote(obj) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=nodevote&vote="+obj.vote+"&nodeid="+obj.nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { if (obj.vote == 'Y') { $$("#nodevotefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].positivevotes; }); $$("#nodefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){deleteNodeVote(this);}); }); $$("#nodevoteagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].negativevotes; }); $$("#nodeagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this) } ); }); } else if (obj.vote == 'N') { $$("#nodevoteagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].negativevotes; }); $$("#nodeagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){deleteNodeVote(this) } ); }); $$("#nodevotefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].positivevotes; }); $$("#nodefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Promote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this) } ); }); } } } }); } function deleteNodeVote(obj) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deletenodevote&vote="+obj.vote+"&nodeid="+obj.nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { if (obj.vote == 'Y') { $$("#nodevotefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].positivevotes; }); $$("#nodefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Promote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this);}); }); $$("#nodevoteagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].negativevotes; }); $$("#nodeagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this) } ); }); $(obj.nodeid+obj.uniqueid+'nodeagainst').setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); $(obj.nodeid+obj.uniqueid+'nodeagainst').setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); Event.stopObserving($(obj.nodeid+obj.uniqueid+'nodeagainst'), 'click'); Event.observe($(obj.nodeid+obj.uniqueid+'nodeagainst'),'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); } if (obj.vote == 'N') { $$("#nodevoteagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].negativevotes; }); $$("#nodeagainst"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Demote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this) } ); }); $$("#nodevotefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = json.cnode[0].positivevotes; }); $$("#nodefor"+obj.nodeid).each(function(elmt) { elmt.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty3.png'); elmt.setAttribute('title', 'Promote this...'); Event.stopObserving(elmt, 'click'); Event.observe(elmt,'click', function (){nodeVote(this) } ); }); } } } }); } function followNode(node, obj, handler) { let nodeid = node.nodeid; if (obj && obj.nodeid) { nodeid = obj.nodeid; } var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=addfollowing&itemid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { node.userfollow = "Y"; if (handler) { if (typeof handler === 'string') { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } else if (typeof handler == 'function') { handler(); } if (obj) { obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/following.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', 'Unfollow this item...'); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ unfollowNode(node, this, handler) } ); } } } } }); } function unfollowNode(node, obj, handler) { let nodeid = node.nodeid; if (obj && obj.nodeid) { nodeid = obj.nodeid; } var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deletefollowing&itemid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { node.userfollow = "N"; if (handler) { if (typeof handler === 'string') { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } else if (typeof handler == 'function') { handler(); } if (obj) { obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/follow.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', 'Follow this item...'); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ followNode(node, this, handler) } ); } } } } }); } /** * Called from user home page follow list. */ function unfollowMyNode(nodeid) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deletefollowing&itemid="+nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { try { window.location.reload(true); } catch(err) { //do nothing } } } }); } /** * show an RSS feed of the nodes for the given arguments */ function getNodesFeed(nodeargs) { var url = SERVICE_ROOT.replace('format=json','format=rss'); var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["style"] = 'long'; var reqUrl = url+"&method=getnodesby"+CONTEXT+"&"+Object.toQueryString(args); window.location.href = reqUrl; } /** * show an RSS feed of the nodes for the given arguments */ function getCommentNodesFeed(nodeargs) { var url = SERVICE_ROOT.replace('format=json','format=rss'); var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["style"] = 'long'; var reqUrl = url+"&method=getconnectednodesby"+CONTEXT+"&"+Object.toQueryString(args); window.location.href = reqUrl; } /** * Print current node list in new popup window */ function printNodes(nodeargs, title) { var url = SERVICE_ROOT; var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["max"] = -1; args["style"] = 'long'; var reqUrl = url+"&method=getnodesby"+CONTEXT+"&"+Object.toQueryString(args); var urlcall = URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/printnodes.php?context="+CONTEXT+"&title="+title+"&filternodetypes="+args['filternodetypes']+"&url="+encodeURIComponent(reqUrl); loadDialog('printnodes', urlcall, 800, 700); } /** * Print current node list in new popup window */ function printCommentNodes(nodeargs, title) { var url = SERVICE_ROOT; var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["max"] = -1; args["style"] = 'long'; var reqUrl = url+"&method=getconnectednodesby"+CONTEXT+"&"+Object.toQueryString(args); var urlcall = URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/printnodes.php?context="+CONTEXT+"&title="+title+"&filternodetypes="+args['filternodetypes']+"&url="+encodeURIComponent(reqUrl); loadDialog('printnodes', urlcall, 800, 700); } /** * Print current explore page in new popup window */ function printNodeExplore(nodeargs, title, nodeid){ var url = SERVICE_ROOT; var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["max"] = -1; args["style"] = 'long'; var reqUrl = url+"&method=getnode&"+Object.toQueryString(args); var urlcall = URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/printexplore.php?context="+CONTEXT+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&nodeid="+nodeid+"&url="+encodeURIComponent(reqUrl); loadDialog('printexplore', urlcall, 800, 700); } /** * Print current knowledge tree explore page in new popup window */ function printKnowledgeTreeExplore(nodeargs, title, nodeid, name){ var url = SERVICE_ROOT; var args = Object.clone(nodeargs); args["start"] = 0; args["max"] = -1; args["style"] = 'long'; var urlcall = URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/printknowledgetree.php?context="+CONTEXT+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&nodetype="+args['nodetype']+"&nodeid="+nodeid+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); loadDialog('printknowledgetree', urlcall, 800, 700); } // NODE CONNECTION FUNCTIONS function connectionVote(obj) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=connectionvote&vote="+obj.vote+"&connid="+obj.connid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { if (obj.vote == 'Y') { $(obj.connid+'votefor').innerHTML = json.connection[0].positivevotes; obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-filled.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); $(obj.connid+'voteagainst').innerHTML = json.connection[0].negativevotes; $(obj.connid+'against').setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty.png'); $(obj.connid+'against').setAttribute('title', $(obj.connid+'against').oldtitle); Event.stopObserving($(obj.connid+'against'), 'click'); Event.observe($(obj.connid+'against'),'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); } else if (obj.vote == 'N') { $(obj.connid+'voteagainst').innerHTML = json.connection[0].negativevotes; obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-filled.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', 'Unset...'); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ deleteConnectionVote(this) } ); $(obj.connid+'votefor').innerHTML = json.connection[0].positivevotes; $(obj.connid+'for').setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty.png'); $(obj.connid+'for').setAttribute('title', $(obj.connid+'for').oldtitle); Event.stopObserving($(obj.connid+'for'), 'click'); Event.observe($(obj.connid+'for'),'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); } } } }); } function deleteConnectionVote(obj) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deleteconnectionvote&vote="+obj.vote+"&connid="+obj.connid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error) { alert(json.error[0].message); return; } else { if (obj.vote == 'Y') { $(obj.connid+'votefor').innerHTML = json.connection[0].positivevotes; obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', obj.oldtitle); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); $(obj.connid+'voteagainst').innerHTML = json.connection[0].negativevotes; $(obj.connid+'against').setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty.png'); $(obj.connid+'against').setAttribute('title', $(obj.connid+'against').oldtitle); Event.stopObserving($(obj.connid+'against'), 'click'); Event.observe($(obj.connid+'against'),'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); } if (obj.vote == 'N') { $(obj.connid+'voteagainst').innerHTML = json.connection[0].negativevotes; obj.setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-down-empty.png'); obj.setAttribute('title', obj.oldtitle); Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); Event.observe(obj,'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); $(obj.connid+'votefor').innerHTML = json.connection[0].positivevotes; $(obj.connid+'for').setAttribute('src', 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/thumb-up-empty.png'); $(obj.connid+'for').setAttribute('title', $(obj.connid+'for').oldtitle); Event.stopObserving($(obj.connid+'for'), 'click'); Event.observe($(obj.connid+'for'),'click', function (){ connectionVote(this) } ); } } } }); } /** * Edit the connection description for the given connection id. */ function editConnectionDescription(connid, desc, handler) { textAreaPrompt('Why is this association relevant?', desc, connid, handler, 'processConnectionDesciption'); } /** * View the connection description. */ function viewConnectionDescription(desc) { alert(desc); } /** * Save the edit of the connection description for the given connection id. */ function processConnectionDesciption(connid, desc, handler) { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=editconnectiondescription&description="+encodeURIComponent(desc)+"&connid=" + encodeURIComponent(connid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } if (handler === 'undefined' || handler === undefined) { try { window.location.reload(true); } catch(err) { //do nothing } } else { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } } }); } /** * Delete the connection for the given connection id. */ function deleteNodeConnection(connid, childname, parentname, handler) { var ans = confirm("Are you sure you want to disconnect \n\n'"+htmlspecialchars_decode(childname)+"'\n\n from \n\n'"+htmlspecialchars_decode(parentname)+"' ?"); if(ans){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deleteconnection&connid=" + encodeURIComponent(connid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } if (handler) { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } else { try { window.location.reload(true); } catch(err) { //do nothing } } } }); } } /** * Delete the connection for the given connection id for a chat item. */ function deleteChatNode(nodeid, name, handler, parentconnid) { var ans = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the Chat item: '"+htmlspecialchars_decode(name)+"'?"); if(ans){ var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=deletecomment&nodeid=" +encodeURIComponent(nodeid)+"&parentconnid="+encodeURIComponent(parentconnid); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } if (handler) { var pos = handler.indexOf(")"); if (pos != -1) { eval ( handler ); } else { eval( handler + "()" ); } } else { try { window.location.reload(true); } catch(err) { //do nothing } } } }); } } /** * Redraw the nodes borders when a different node is selected for connecting. */ function refreshTextDivCell() { var cellsArray = document.getElementsByName('textDivCell'); var count = cellsArray.length; var next = null; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { next = cellsArray[i]; if (next.nodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) { var bordercolor = 'plainborder'; var backcolor = 'focusedback'; if (next.nodetype == 'Challenge') { bordercolor = 'challengeborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'challengeback'; } } else if (next.nodetype == 'Issue') { bordercolor = 'issueborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'issueback'; } } else if (next.nodetype == 'Claim') { bordercolor = 'claimborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'claimback'; } } else if (next.nodetype == 'Solution') { bordercolor = 'solutionborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'solutionback'; } } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(next.nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'evidenceborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'evidenceback'; } } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(next.nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'resourceborder'; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { backcolor = 'resourceback'; } } //if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { //bordercolor = 'selectedborder'; //} next.className = backcolor+' '+bordercolor; } else if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { var bordercolor = 'plainborder'; var backcolor = 'whiteback'; if (next.nodetype == 'Challenge') { bordercolor = 'challengeborder'; backcolor = 'challengeback'; } else if (next.nodetype == 'Issue') { bordercolor = 'issueborder'; backcolor = 'issueback'; } else if (next.nodetype == 'Claim') { bordercolor = 'claimborder'; backcolor = 'claimback'; } else if (next.nodetype == 'Solution') { bordercolor = 'solutionborder'; backcolor = 'solutionback'; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(next.nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'evidenceborder'; backcolor = 'evidenceback'; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(next.nodetype) != -1) { bordercolor = 'resourceborder'; backcolor = 'resourceback'; } next.className = backcolor+' '+bordercolor; } else { next.className = 'whiteborder'; } } var nodeAreaArray = document.getElementsByName('nodeArea'); count = nodeAreaArray.length; next = null; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { next = nodeAreaArray[i]; if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { continue; } if (next.nodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) { if (next.nodeid == next.focalnodeid) { next.className = 'itemtextwhite'; } else { next.className = 'itemtext selectedlabel'; } } else { next.className = 'itemtext unselectedlabel'; } } } /** * does the narrow debate tree contain the currently selected node?. * If not, display a helpful message to the user. * (a node on the expanded tree may have been selected that is not in the narrow view). */ function checkHasNarrowGotSelected() { } /** * does the debate tree contain the passed node?. * If not, ask user if they want to refocus the debate on the given nodeid. * If yes, scroll to the first occurrence and add a 'New' message to the title. */ function checkDebateHasNode(nodetofocusid) { if (nodetofocusid === undefined) { nodetofocusid = ""; } if (nodetofocusid != "") { // Are all the debates closed? // If so we want to open the ones the new node is in. var allClosed = true; var arrowsArray = document.getElementsByName('explorearrow'); var uniQArray = new Array(); var uniQArrayToOpen = new Array(); var nextarrow = null; var countarrow = arrowsArray.length; for (var i=0; i < countarrow; i++) { nextarrow = arrowsArray[i]; var uniQ = nextarrow.uniqueid; uniQArray.push(uniQ); if ($("treedesc"+uniQ) && $("treedesc"+uniQ).style.display == 'block') { allClosed = false; break; } } //alert(allClosed); var cellsArray = document.getElementsByName('textDivCell'); var count = cellsArray.length; var next = null; var found = false; var foundCell = null; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { next = cellsArray[i]; if (next.connection) { var fNnodeid = next.connection.from[0].cnode.nodeid; var tNnodeid = next.connection.to[0].cnode.nodeid; if ( (nodetofocusid == fNnodeid && tNnodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID) || (nodetofocusid == tNnodeid && fNnodeid == CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID)) { if (next.nodeid == nodetofocusid) { if (allClosed) { for (var j=0; j
'); } } else { if (allClosed) { for (var j=0; j'); } } }else { // If coming from an edit it will not match the CURRENT_ADD_AREA_NODEID if ( (nodetofocusid == fNnodeid) || (nodetofocusid == tNnodeid)) { if (next.nodeid == nodetofocusid) { if (allClosed) { for (var j=0; j'); } } else { if (allClosed) { for (var j=0; j'); } } } } } if (!found) { if (DEBATE_TREE_SMALL) { if (next.id.indexOf('narrow') != -1) { if (next.nodeid == nodetofocusid) { foundCell = next; found = true; } } } else { if (next.nodeid == nodetofocusid) { found = true; foundCell = next; } } } } if (!found) { var reply = confirm("The new item you have just added will not appear in the current knowledge tree.\n\nWould you like to refocus the knowledge tree on the new item?\n\n(Press Cancel to stay on this page)"); if (reply == true) { window.location.href="https://isave.evidence-hub.net//knowledgetrees.php?id="+nodetofocusid; } } else { //open the required debates if (allClosed) { for (var i=0; i < uniQArrayToOpen.length; i++) { var nextuniq = uniQArrayToOpen[i]; if ($("treedesc"+nextuniq)) { toggleDebate("treedesc"+nextuniq, nextuniq); } } } var pos = getPosition(foundCell); window.scroll(0,pos.y-100); } } else { var arrowsArray = document.getElementsByName('explorearrow'); var countarrow = arrowsArray.length; if (countarrow <= 1) { nextarrow = arrowsArray[0]; var uniQ = nextarrow.uniqueid; var countnow = parseInt($('toptreecount'+uniQ).innerHTML); if (countnow < 20 || countarrow == 1) { toggleDebate("treedesc"+uniQ, uniQ); } } } } /** * does the chat tree contain anything? * If not, hide the arrows. */ function checkChatHasNode(nodetofocusid) { if (CHATNODEID != "") { // Are all the chats closed? // If so we want to open the one the chat node is in. var uniQArray = new Array(); var uniQArrayToOpen = new Array(); var allClosed = true; var arrowsArray = document.getElementsByName('explorechatarrow'); var nextarrow = null; var countarrow = arrowsArray.length; for (var i=0; i < countarrow; i++) { nextarrow = arrowsArray[i]; var uniQ = nextarrow.uniqueid; uniQArray.push(uniQ); if ($("chat"+uniQ) && $("chat"+uniQ).style.display == 'block') { allClosed = false; } var countnow = parseInt($('topchattreecount'+uniQ).innerHTML); if (countnow == 0) { nextarrow.style.display = "none"; } else { nextarrow.style.display = "block"; } } //alert(allClosed); var cellsArray = document.getElementsByName('textChatDivCell'); var count = cellsArray.length; var next = null; var found = false; var foundCell = null; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { next = cellsArray[i]; if (next.nodeid == CHATNODEID) { if (allClosed) { for (var j=0; j 0 && countnow < 15) { toggleChat("chat"+uniQ, uniQ, true); } } } } } } function highlightDebateAddArea() { //$('debateadddiv').style.border = '2px solid yellow'; $('debateadddiv').style.background = '#F9FABC'; var fade=setTimeout("new function(){/*$('debateadddiv').style.border = '2px solid #D3D3D3';*/$('debateadddiv').style.background = 'white';}",1500); } /** * Send a spam alert to the server. */ function reportNodeSpamAlert(obj, nodetype, node) { var name = node.name; if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { name = node.description; } var ans = confirm("Are you sure you want to report\n\n"+name+"\n\nas Spam / Inappropriate?\n\n"); if (ans){ var reqUrl = URL_ROOT + "spamalert.php?type=idea&id="+node.nodeid; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'get', onError: function(error) { alert(error); }, onSuccess: function(transport){ node.status = 1; obj.title = 'This has been reported as Spam / Inappropriate content'; if (obj.alt) { obj.alt = 'Reported as Spam'; obj.src= 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/spam-reported.png'; obj.style.cursor = 'auto'; Event.stopObserving(obj, 'click'); } else { obj.innerHTML = 'Reported as Spam'; } obj.className = ""; fadeMessage(name+"

has been reported as spam"); } }); } } /** * Create a span menu option to report spam / show spam reported / or say login to report. * * @param node the node to report */ function createSpamMenuOption(node, nodetype) { var spaming = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block'} ); if (node.status == 1) { spaming.insert("Reported as Spam"); spaming.title = 'This has been reported as Spam / Inappropriate content'; spaming.className = ""; } else if (node.status == 0) { if (USER != "") { spaming.insert("Report as Spam"); spaming.title = 'Report this as Spam / Inappropriate content'; Event.observe(spaming,'click',function (){ reportNodeSpamAlert(this, nodetype, node); } ); } else { spaming.insert("Sign In to Report as Spam"); spaming.title = 'Sign In to Report as Spam'; Event.observe(spaming,'click',function (){ $('loginsubmit').click(); return true; } ); } } return spaming; } function getNodeIconElement(node) { var role = node.role[0].role; if (node.imagethumbnail != null && node.imagethumbnail != "") { var originalurl = ""; if(node.urls && node.urls.length > 0){ for (var i=0 ; i < node.urls.length; i++){ var urlid = node.urls[i].url.urlid; if (urlid == node.imageurlid) { originalurl = node.urls[i].url.url; break; } } } if (originalurl == "") { originalurl = node.imagethumbnail; } var iconlink = new Element('a', { 'href':originalurl, 'title':"View original image", 'target': '_blank' }); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':"View original image", 'class':'nodeIcon', 'src': URL_ROOT + node.imagethumbnail}); iconlink.insert(nodeicon); return iconlink; } else if (role.image != null && role.image != "") { var alttext = getNodeTitleAntecedence(role.name, false); var nodeicon = new Element('img',{'alt':alttext, 'class':'nodeIcon','src': URL_ROOT + role.image}); return nodeicon; } return null; } /** * Create a menu spacer line */ function createMenuSpacer() { var spacer = new Element("hr", {'class':'hrline-slim', 'style':'margin-bottom:10px;width:100%'} ); return spacer; } /** * Create an edit menu option * * @param toolbarDiv the div to add the menu optioj to * @param node the node to connect * @param role the node type of the node * @param parentrefreshhandler the name of the function that handles the refresh after edit. * @param user the user wanting to edit this item. */ function createEditMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, parentrefreshhandler, user) { // IF OWNER ADD EDIT / DEL ACTIONS if (USER == user.userid) { if (role.name == 'Issue') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Issue'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editissue',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/issueedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (role.name == 'Challenge') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Key Challenge'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editchallenge',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/challengeedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (role.name == 'Claim') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Fact'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editclaim',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/claimedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (role.name == 'Solution') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Idea'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editsolution',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/solutionedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (role.name == 'Organization') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Organization'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editorg',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/organizationedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (role.name == 'Project') { var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Project'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editorg',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/organizationedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { //EVIDENCE var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Argument'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editevidence',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/evidenceedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodetypename="+role.name+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { //RESOURCES var editButton = new Element("span", {'class':'active d-block', 'title':'Edit this Resource'} ); editButton.insert("Edit"); Event.observe(editButton,'click',function (){loadDialog('editresource',URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/resourceedit.php?handler="+parentrefreshhandler+"&nodetypename="+role.name+"&nodeid="+node.nodeid, 750,500)}); toolbarDiv.appendChild(editButton); } } } /** * Create a explore menu option * * @param toolbarDiv the div to add the menu optioj to * @param node the node to connect * @param role the node type of the node * @param uniQ the unique id added to interface elements for this node option. */ function createExploreMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, uniQ) { var exploreButton = new Element("div", {'class':'active','style':'font-style:italic;margin-bottom:5px;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Explore >>"); toolbarDiv.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploresubmenu = createExploreSubMenu(node, role, uniQ) exploreButton.appendChild(exploresubmenu); Event.observe(exploreButton,'mouseover',function (event){ exploresubmenu.style.display = 'block'; }); } /** * Create a explore sub menu options. * * @param node the node to connect * @param role the node type of the node * @param uniQ the unique id added to interface elements for this node option. */ function createExploreSubMenu(node, role, uniQ) { var exploresubmenu = new Element("div", {'id':'exploresubmenu'+uniQ, 'style':'font-style:normal;clear:both;display:none;padding:5px;padding-top:2px;margin-left:30px;'} ); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"Go to full information on this item."} ); exploreButton.insert("Full Details"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploresubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); if (role.name != 'Theme' && role.name != 'Organization' && role.name != 'Project') { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"Go and explore the Knowledge trees around this item"} ); exploreButton.insert("Knowledge Trees"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploresubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"View all the Chats about this item"} ); exploreButton.insert("Chats"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/chats.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/chats.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploresubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); exploreButton = new Element("a", {'class':'d-block','title':"View the network graph around this item (uses a Java Applet)"} ); exploreButton.insert("Network Graph"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/networkgraph.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/networkgraph.php?id="+node.nodeid; } exploresubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(role.name) != -1) { var link = new Element("a", {'href':node.name,'title':"Open the associated web page in a new tab", 'target':'_blank', 'style':'margin-bottom:5px;clear:both;float:left;'} ); link.insert("Go to web page"); exploresubmenu.insert(link); } return exploresubmenu; } /** * Create a 'connect To' menu option. * * @param toolbarDiv the div to add the menu optioj to * @param node the node to connect * @param role the node type of the node * @param uniQ the unique id added to interface elements for this node option. */ function createConnectionMenuOption(toolbarDiv, node, role, uniQ) { if (USER != "") { var connectButton = new Element("div", {'class':'active','style':'font-style:italic;margin-bottom:5px;'} ); connectButton.insert("Add >>"); toolbarDiv.appendChild(connectButton); var connectionsubmenu = createConnectionSubMenu(node, role, uniQ) connectButton.appendChild(connectionsubmenu); Event.observe(connectButton,'mouseover',function (event){ connectionsubmenu.style.display = 'block'; }); } else { var connectButton = new Element("div", {'class':'active d-block'} ); connectButton.insert("Sign In to Add"); connectButton.title = 'You need to Sign In to be able to Add items to this'; Event.observe(connectButton,'click',function (){ $('loginsubmit').click(); return true; } ); toolbarDiv.appendChild(connectButton); } } /** * Create a connection sub menu options. * * @param node the node to connect * @param role the node type of the node * @param uniQ the unique id added to interface elements for this node option. */ function createConnectionSubMenu(node, role, uniQ) { var connectionsubmenu = new Element("div", {'id':'connectionsubmenu'+uniQ, 'style':'font-style:normal;clear:both;display:none;padding:5px;padding-top:2px;margin-left:30px;'} ); var type = role.name; if (type == "Challenge") { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Issues"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Organizations"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Projects"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } else if (type == "Issue") { if (hasChallenge) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Key Challenges"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } if (hasSolution) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Ideas"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } if (hasClaim) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Facts"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Organizations"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Projects"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } else if (type == "Solution" || type == "Claim") { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Issues"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Arguments"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Organizations"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Projects"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(type) != -1) { if (hasSolution) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Ideas"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } if (hasClaim) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Facts"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Resources"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/knowledgetrees.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Organizations"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Projects"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(type) != -1) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Arguments"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.appendChild(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Organizations"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Projects"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } else if (type == "Organization" || type == "Project") { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Partners"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); if (type == "Organization") { exploreButton.insert("Projects managed"); } else { exploreButton.insert("Managing Organizations"); } if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); if (hasChallenge) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Key Challenges"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Issues"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); if (hasSolution) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Ideas"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } if (hasClaim) { var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Facts"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Arguments"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); var exploreButton = new Element("a", {'style':'margin-bottom:5px; display: block;'} ); exploreButton.insert("Resources"); if (node.searchid && node.searchid != "") { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid+"&sid="+node.searchid; } else { exploreButton.href= "https://isave.evidence-hub.net/explore.php?id="+node.nodeid; } connectionsubmenu.insert(exploreButton); } return connectionsubmenu; } function closeSubmenus(uniQ) { if ($('connectionsubmenu'+uniQ)) { $('connectionsubmenu'+uniQ).style.display = 'none'; } if ($('exploresubmenu'+uniQ)) { $('exploresubmenu'+uniQ).style.display = 'none'; } } /*****************/ /** FOR DEBATES **/ /*****************/ /** * Render the given node. * @param width the width of the node box (e.g. 200px or 20%) * @param height the height of the node box (e.g. 200px or 20%) * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node. Defaults to the node role. * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link. Defaults to true. * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable. * or a specialized type for some of the popups * @param includeconnectedness should the connectedness count be included - defaults to false. * @param includevoting should the voting buttons be included - defaults to true. * @param cropdesc whether to crop the description text. * @param mainheading whether or not the title is a main heading instead of a link. * @param includestats whether or not to include the stats list below this Debate. */ function renderIssueNode(width, height, node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, includeconnectedness, includevoting, cropdesc, mainheading, includestats){ var iDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'mainnodewrapper'}); let key = "Node"+node.nodeid; let thistype = 'issue'; let color = 'issueback'; var creationdate = node.creationdate; var positivevotes = node.positivevotes; var negativevotes = node.negativevotes; var userimage = node.users[0].thumb; var nodeid = node.nodeid; var name = node.name; var nodetype = node.role.name; var title=getNodeTitleAntecedence(nodetype); var username = node.users[0].name; var userid = node.users[0].userid; var userfollow = node.userfollow; var otheruserconnections = node.otheruserconnections; var icon = URL_ROOT+node.role.image; var widgetDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'widgetdivnode', 'id':key+'div'}); var widgetBody = new Element("div", {'class':'widgetnodebody', 'id':key+'body'}); var widgetHeader = new Element("div", {'id':key+'header', 'class':'widgetheadernode'}); widgetDiv.insert(widgetHeader); var widgetHeaderLabel = new Element("label", {'class':'linearnodeheaderlabel', 'id':'widgetheaderlabel'}); widgetHeaderLabel.insert(""+title+""+name); let exploreheaderlabel = $('exploreheaderlabel'); if (icon) { var iconObj = new Element('img',{'style':'text-align: middle;margin-right: 5px; width:24px; ', 'alt':type+' Icon', 'src':icon}); iconObj.align='left'; exploreheaderlabel.appendChild(iconObj); } exploreheaderlabel.appendChild(widgetHeaderLabel); var toolbar = new Element("div", {'class':'nodewidgettoolbar', 'style':'margin-bottom:5px;'}); buildExploreToolbar(toolbar, title+name, thistype, node, 'debate'); widgetHeader.insert(toolbar); var spacer = new Element("hr", {'class':'widgetnodespacer'}); widgetBody.appendChild(spacer); var innerwidgetBody = new Element("div", {'id':key+'innerbody', 'class':'widgetnodeinnerbody'}); var userbar = new Element("div", {'class':'debate-user'} ); var detailbar = new Element("div", {'class':'issue-details'} ); detailbar.insert("


"); innerwidgetBody.insert(detailbar); var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-user2'}); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':username, 'title': username, 'style':'padding-right:5px;','src': userimage}); var imagelink = new Element('a', {'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+userid, 'title':username}); imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); detailbar.appendChild(iuDiv); var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'issue-user-details'}); var cDate = new Date(creationdate*1000); iuDiv.insert('

Added on:'+ cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) + '

'); iuDiv.insert('

Added by:'+username+'

'); if (node.imageurlid && node.imageurlid != "") { var iuDiv = new Element("div", {'style':'float:left'}); var nodeimage = new Element("img", {'id':key+'nodeimg', 'src':node.imageurlid}); iuDiv.insert(nodeimage); iuDiv.insert(iuDiv); } if (node.startdatetime && node.startdatetime != "" && node.role.name == 'Project') { var sDate = new Date(node.startdatetime*1000); iuDiv.insert('

Started on:'+sDate.format(DATE_FORMAT_PROJECT)+'

'); if (node.enddatetime && node.enddatetime != "") { var eDate = new Date(node.enddatetime*1000); iuDiv.insert('

Ended on:'+eDate.format(DATE_FORMAT_PROJECT)+'

'); } } if (node.identifier && node.identifier != "" && node.role.name == 'Publication') { iuDiv.insert('


'); } if (node.locationaddress1 && node.locationaddress1 != "") { iuDiv.insert('Address 1: '+node.locationaddress1+'
'); } if (node.locationaddress2 && node.locationaddress2 != "") { iuDiv.insert('Address 2: '+node.locationaddress2+'
'); } if (node.location && node.location != "") { iuDiv.insert('Town/City: '+node.location+'
'); } if (node.locationpostcode && node.locationpostcode != "") { iuDiv.insert('Postal Code: '+node.locationpostcode+'
'); } if (node.country && node.country != "") { iuDiv.insert('Country: '+node.country+'
'); } //tags if(node.tags && node.tags.length > 0){ var grpStr = "

Tags: "; for (var i=0 ; i < node.tags.length; i++){ var tag = null; if (node.tags[i].name) { tag = node.tags[i]; } else { tag = node.tags[i].tag } grpStr += ''+tag.name+''; if (i < node.tags.length-1) { grpStr += ','; } } grpStr += '

'; iuDiv.insert(grpStr); } if (thistype != 'web' && thistype != "theme") { var commentdiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'commentdiv', 'name':'commentdiv', 'class':'commentdiv d-block'}); iuDiv.insert(commentdiv); childcommentload(commentdiv, node.nodeid,"built from", COMMENT_TYPES+",Idea", 'commentchild', ''); } if (node.description && node.description != "" && thistype != 'web') { var dStr = '
Description: '; dStr += node.description; dStr += '
'; iuDiv.insert(dStr); } detailbar.insert(iuDiv); innerwidgetBody.appendChild(detailbar); widgetBody.insert(innerwidgetBody); widgetDiv.insert(widgetBody); iDiv.insert(widgetDiv); return iDiv; } /** * Render a list of nodes */ function displayIdeaList(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid,type,status){ if (includeUser == undefined) { includeUser = true; } if (type == undefined) { type = 'active'; } if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'idea-list'; } if (status == undefined) { status = 0; } var myuniqueid = ""; var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i].cnode; if(node){ myuniqueid = uniqueid+i+start; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { myuniqueid = node.nodeid + connection.connid+myuniqueid; } else { myuniqueid = node.nodeid + myuniqueid; } var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':node.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'ideablobdiv'+myuniqueid, 'class':'idea-blob-list'}); try { var blobNode = renderIdeaList(node, myuniqueid, node.role[0].role,includeUser,type,status, i); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render the given node from an associated idea connection. * @param node the node object do render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups * @param status, active nodes or retired nodes. (active = 0, spam = 1, retired = 2. */ function renderIdeaList(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, status, i){ if (i === undefined) { i = -1; } if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } if (status == undefined) { status = 0; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var user = null; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalrole = ""; if (connection) { var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { focalrole = tN.role[0].role; } else { focalrole = fN.role[0].role; } } var itDiv = new Element("div", {'class':'idea-title boxshadowsquaredarker'}); var nodeTable = new Element('table'); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable table"; itDiv.insert(nodeTable); var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); row.setAttribute('name','idearowitem'); row.setAttribute('id','idearowitem'+uniQ); row.setAttribute('uniQ',uniQ); row.setAttribute('nodeid',node.nodeid); if (node.nodeid == NODE_ARGS['selectednodeid']) { //alert("hightlighting!!"); //row.className = "selectedback"; var options = new Array(); options['startcolor'] = '#FAFB7D'; options['endcolor'] = '#FDFDE3'; options['restorecolor'] = 'transparent'; options['duration'] = 5; highlightElement(row, options); } else { row.className = "transparent"; } //row.style.borderBottom = "3px solid #4E725F"; //update stats if (node.parentid) { if (connection) { var votestats = $('debatestatsvotes'+node.parentid); if (votestats) { votestats.votes[node.nodeid] = parseInt(parseInt(connection.positivevotes)+parseInt(connection.negativevotes)); } } } if (includeUser == true) { var userCell = row.insertCell(-1); userCell.setAttribute('style','width:40px;'); userCell.setAttribute('style','max-width:40px;'); userCell.vAlign="top"; userCell.align="left"; userCell.width="40"; if (connection) { var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Added by: "+nodeuser.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) userCell.title = dStr; } // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'editformuserdividea'+uniQ, 'class':'idea-user2', 'style':'float:left;' }); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':nodeuser.name, 'style':'padding-left:5px;padding-top:5px;', 'src': nodeuser.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+nodeuser.userid }); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } userCell.insert(iuDiv); } var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); //textCell.setAttribute('style','width:85%'); textCell.vAlign="top"; textCell.align="left"; textCell.setAttribute('width','95%'); var textDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textdividea'+uniQ, 'class':'textdividea' }); textCell.insert(textDiv); var title = node.name; var textspan = new Element("a", { 'id':'desctoggle'+uniQ, 'class':'idearowtitle debatetext', 'href': URL_ROOT+"explore.php?id="+node.nodeid, 'title':'Go to full information on this item.', }); textspan.insert(title); textspan.datadisabled = false; textDiv.insert(textspan); /* Event.observe(textspan,'click',function (){ if (textspan.datadisabled == false) { ideatoggle('arguments'+uniQ, uniQ, node.nodeid, 'arguments', role.name); } }); */ if (USER == nodeuser.userid && type == 'active') { var editbutton = new Element("img", { 'class':'imagebuttonfaded', 'src':'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/edit.png', 'title':'Edit this Idea', }); textDiv.insert(editbutton); Event.observe(editbutton,'click',function (){ editInline(uniQ, 'idea'); }); if (!node.otheruserconnections || node.otheruserconnections == 0) { var deletename = node.name; var del = new Element('img',{'class':'delete-solution','alt':'Delete', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/delete.png'}); Event.observe(del,'click',function (){ var callback = function () { refreshSolutions(); } deleteNode(node.nodeid, deletename, role.name, callback); }); textDiv.insert(del); } else { var del = new Element('img',{'class':'delete-solution', 'alt':'Delete unavailable', 'title': 'You cannot delete this item. Someone else has connected to it', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/delete-off.png'}); textDiv.insert(del); } } if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ var dStr = '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; textDiv.insert(dStr); } var argumentLink = new Element("span", { 'name':'ideaargumentlink', 'id':'ideaargumentlink'+uniQ, 'class':'active ideaargumentlink', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;display:block;;margin-top:7px;font-weight:bold;', 'title':'View and add Arguments on this Idea', }); argumentLink.nodeid = node.nodeid; argumentLink.datadisabled = false; Event.observe(argumentLink,'click',function (){ if (argumentLink.datadisabled == false) { ideatoggle('arguments'+uniQ, uniQ, node.nodeid, 'arguments', role.name); } }); if (USER == '') { argumentLink.insert('add'); } argumentLink.insert('Arguments ('); var argumentCount = new Element("span", { 'id':'ideaargumentcount'+node.nodeid, }); //alert(node.childrencount); argumentCount.insert(node.childrencount); argumentLink.insert(argumentCount); argumentLink.insert(')'); textDiv.insert(argumentLink); if (USER == '') { var signinlink = new Element("a", { 'href':'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/ui/pages/login.php?ref='+NODE_ARGS["ref"], 'title':'Contribute an Argument to this Idea', 'class':'lightgreenbutton', 'style':'float:left;margin-left:30px;;margin-top:2px;', }); signinlink.insert('Contribute'); textDiv.insert(signinlink); } /** ADD THE EDIT FORM FOR THE IDEA **/ if (USER == user.userid && type == 'active') { var editDiv = new Element("fieldset", { 'name':'editformdividea', 'id':'editformdividea'+uniQ, 'class':'editformdividea', 'style':'clear:both;float:left;display:none;' }); var legend = new Element("legend", {}); var legendtitle = new Element("h2", {'style':'margin-bottom:0px;',}); legendtitle.insert('Editing'); legend.insert(legendtitle); editDiv.insert(legend); var editideaid = new Element("input", { 'name':'editideaid', 'id':'editideaid'+uniQ, 'type':'hidden', 'value':node.nodeid, }); editDiv.insert(editideaid); var editnodetypeid = new Element("input", { 'name':'editideanodetypeid', 'id':'editideanodetypeid'+uniQ, 'type':'hidden', 'value':role.roleid, }); editDiv.insert(editnodetypeid); var rowDiv1 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv1); var editideaname = new Element("input", { 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Idea Title...', 'id':'editideaname'+uniQ, 'name':'editideaname', 'value':node.name, }); rowDiv1.insert(editideaname); var rowDiv2 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv2); var editideadesc = new Element("textarea", { 'rows':'3', 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Idea Description...', 'id':'editideadesc'+uniQ, 'name':'editideadesc', }); editideadesc.insert(node.description); rowDiv2.insert(editideadesc); var rowDiv4 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', 'id':'linksdivedit'+uniQ, 'style':'margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:0px;' }); rowDiv4.linkcount = 0; editDiv.insert(rowDiv4); var rowDiv3 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv3); var editideasave = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'class':'submitright', 'id':'editidea', 'name':'editidea', 'value':'Save', }); Event.observe(editideasave,'click',function (){ editIdeaNode(node, uniQ, 'idea', type, includeUser, status); }); rowDiv3.insert(editideasave); var editideacancel = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'class':'submitright', 'id':'cancelidea', 'name':'editidea', 'value':'Cancel', 'style':'margin-right:10px;', }); Event.observe(editideacancel,'click',function (){ cancelEditAction(uniQ, 'idea'); }); rowDiv3.insert(editideacancel); textCell.insert(editDiv); } /** PRO AND CON LISTS **/ var kidsTable = new Element('table', { 'name':'ideaforagainstdiv', 'id':'ideaforagainstdiv'+uniQ, 'nodeid':node.nodeid, 'id':'arguments'+uniQ, 'class':'ideaforagainsttable', 'style':'display:none;' }); itDiv.insert(kidsTable); //kidsTable.border = "1"; var row = kidsTable.insertRow(-1); row.width="100%"; var forCell = row.insertCell(-1); forCell.vAlign="top"; forCell.align="left"; var forHeading = new Element('h3'); forHeading.style.marginBottom = "2px"; forHeading.style.marginTop = "5px"; forHeading.style.color = "green"; forHeading.style.fontWeight = "normal"; forHeading.insert('Supporting Arguments ('); var forCount = new Element('span', {'id':'count-support'+uniQ}); forCount.insert('0'); forHeading.insert(forCount); forHeading.insert(')'); forCell.insert(forHeading); var forKidsDiv = new Element('div', {'id':'supportkidsdiv'+uniQ, 'class':'supportkidsdiv'}); forKidsDiv.style.borderTop = "1px solid #D8D8D8"; forCell.insert(forKidsDiv); if (type == 'active' && USER != '') { var addProDiv = new Element("div", { 'name':'addformdivpro', 'id':'addformdivpro'+uniQ, 'class':'addformdivpro' }); addProDiv.insert('

Add Supporting Argument

'); var rowDiv0 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv0); var addpronevtype = new Element("select", { 'class':'form-select', 'id':'pronodetypename'+uniQ, 'name':'pronodetypename' }); rowDiv0.insert(addpronevtype); var addpronevtypeelement = null; addpronevtypeelement = new Element("option", { 'value':'Argument', }); addpronevtypeelement.insert("Argument"); addpronevtype.insert(addpronevtypeelement); var rowDiv1 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv1); var addproname = new Element("input", { 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Supporting Evidence Title...', 'id':'addproname'+uniQ, 'name':'addproname', 'value':'', }); rowDiv1.insert(addproname); var rowDiv2 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv2); var addprodesc = new Element("textarea", { 'rows':'3', 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Supporting Evidence Description...', 'id':'addprodesc'+uniQ, 'name':'addprodesc', }); rowDiv2.insert(addprodesc); var rowDiv3 = new Element("div", { 'id':'linksdivpro'+uniQ, 'style':'margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:0px;' }); rowDiv3.linkcount = 0; addProDiv.insert(rowDiv3); let rowDiv4 = new Element("div", {'id' : 'row4resourceareapro'+uniQ, 'class': 'formrowsm', 'style':'margin:0px;padding:0px;'}); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv4); let resourcelabel = new Element("label", {'for':'resourceformlabelpro'+uniQ, 'style': 'font-weight:bold'}); resourcelabel.insert("Resources:"); rowDiv4.insert(resourcelabel); let rowDiv5 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv5); let resourceform = new Element("div", {'id' : 'resourceformpro'+uniQ}); resourceform.noResources = 1; rowDiv5.insert(resourceform); const newitem = getArgumentResource('resourceformpro'+uniQ, 'pro'+uniQ, 0); resourceform.insert(newitem); let rowDiv6 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv6); let addURL = new Element("a", { 'class':'hgrinput', 'href':'javascript:void(0)', 'style':'margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;' }); addURL.insert("Add Another Resource"); Event.observe(addURL,'click',function (){ addArgumentResource('resourceformpro'+uniQ, 'pro'+uniQ); }); rowDiv6.insert(addURL); let rowDiv7 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addProDiv.insert(rowDiv7); var addprosave = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'class':'btn btn-primary', 'id':'addprosave'+uniQ, 'name':'addprosave', 'value':"Submit", }); Event.observe(addprosave,'click',function (){ // get type from selection in form const evtype = $('connodetypename'+uniQ).value; addArgumentNode(node, uniQ, 'pro', evtype, type, includeUser, status); }); rowDiv7.insert(addprosave); forCell.insert(addProDiv); } var conCell = row.insertCell(-1); conCell.vAlign="top"; conCell.align="left"; var conHeading = new Element('h3'); conHeading.style.marginBottom = "2px"; conHeading.style.marginTop = "5px"; conHeading.style.color = "red"; conHeading.style.fontWeight = "normal"; conHeading.insert('Counter Arguments ('); var conCount = new Element('span', {'id':'count-counter'+uniQ}); conCount.insert('0'); conHeading.insert(conCount); conHeading.insert(')'); conCell.insert(conHeading); var conKidsDiv = new Element('div', {'id':'counterkidsdiv'+uniQ, 'class':'counterkidsdiv'}); conKidsDiv.style.borderTop = "1px solid #D8D8D8"; conCell.insert(conKidsDiv); if (type == 'active' && USER) { var addConDiv = new Element("div", { 'name':'addformdivcon', 'id':'addformdivcon'+uniQ, 'class':'addformdivcon' }); addConDiv.insert('

Add Counter Argument

'); var rowDiv0 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv0); var addconevtype = new Element("select", { 'class':'form-select', 'id':'connodetypename'+uniQ, 'name':'connodetypename' }); rowDiv0.insert(addconevtype); var addconnevtypeelement = null; addconnevtypeelement = new Element("option", { 'value':'Argument', }); addconnevtypeelement.insert("Argument"); addconevtype.insert(addconnevtypeelement); var rowDiv1 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv1); var addconname = new Element("input", { 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Counter Evidence Title...', 'id':'addconname'+uniQ, 'name':'addconname', 'value':'', }); rowDiv1.insert(addconname); var rowDiv2 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv2); var addcondesc = new Element("textarea", { 'rows':'3', 'class':'form-control', 'placeholder':'Counter Evidence Description...', 'id':'addcondesc'+uniQ, 'name':'addcondesc', }); rowDiv2.insert(addcondesc); let rowDiv4 = new Element("div", {'id' : 'row4resourceareacon'+uniQ, 'class': 'formrowsm', 'style':'margin:0px;padding:0px;'}); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv4); let resourcelabel = new Element("label", {'for':'resourceformlabelcon'+uniQ, 'style': 'font-weight:bold'}); resourcelabel.insert("Resources:"); rowDiv4.insert(resourcelabel); let rowDiv5 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv5); let resourceform = new Element("div", {'id' : 'resourceformcon'+uniQ}); resourceform.noResources = 1; rowDiv5.insert(resourceform); const newitem = getArgumentResource('resourceformcon'+uniQ, 'con'+uniQ, 0); resourceform.insert(newitem); let rowDiv6 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv6); let addURL = new Element("a", { 'class':'hgrinput', 'href':'javascript:void(0)', 'style':'margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;' }); addURL.insert("Add Another Resource"); Event.observe(addURL,'click',function (){ //insertArgumentLink(uniQ, 'con'); addArgumentResource('resourceformcon'+uniQ, 'con'+uniQ); }); rowDiv6.insert(addURL); let rowDiv7 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); addConDiv.insert(rowDiv7); var addconsave = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'class':'btn btn-primary', 'id':'addconsave'+uniQ, 'name':'addconsave', 'value':"Submit", }); Event.observe(addconsave,'click',function (){ // get type from selection in form const evtype = $('connodetypename'+uniQ).value; addArgumentNode(node, uniQ, 'con', evtype, type, includeUser, status); }); rowDiv7.insert(addconsave); conCell.insert(addConDiv); } votebarDiv = "" loadChildArguments(forKidsDiv, node.nodeid, 'Supporting Evidence', 'supports', "Pro", node.parentid, uniQ, 'count-support', type, status, votebarDiv); loadChildArguments(conKidsDiv, node.nodeid, 'Counter Evidence', 'challenges', "Con", node.parentid, uniQ, 'count-counter', type, status, votebarDiv); return itDiv; } /** * load child list, if required as per parameters. */ function loadChildArguments(section, nodeid, title, linktype, nodetype, focalnodeid, uniQ, countArea, type, status, votebar){ if (typeof section === "string") { section = $(section); } if (section.loaded == undefined) { section.loaded = 'false'; } if (status == undefined) { status = 0; } if(section.visible() && (!section.loaded || section.loaded == 'false')){ section.update(getLoading("Loading items")); var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long&sort=ASC&orderby=date&status="+status; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+encodeURIComponent(linktype)+"&filternodetypes="+nodetype+"&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; //alert(reqUrl); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); return; } var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; section.update(""); if ($('ideaargumentcount'+nodeid)) { $('ideaargumentcount'+nodeid).update(0); } if ($(countArea+uniQ)) { $(countArea+uniQ).update(0); } //alert(conns.length); var nodes = new Array(); var otherend = ""; var positivevotes = 0; var negativevotes = 0; if (conns.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; if (fN.nodeid == NODE_ARGS['selectednodeid']) { otherend = tN.nodeid; } if (tN.nodeid == NODE_ARGS['selectednodeid']) { otherend = fN.nodeid; } if ((fnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(fnRole.name) != -1) && fN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (fN.name != "") { var next = c.from[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['parentuniq'] = uniQ; next.cnode['connection'] = c; if (focalnodeid) { next.cnode['focalnodeid'] = focalnodeid; } nodes.push(next); } } else if ((tnRole.name == nodetype || nodetype.indexOf(tnRole.name) != -1) && tN.nodeid != nodeid) { if (tN.name != "") { var next = c.to[0]; next.cnode['parentid'] = nodeid; next.cnode['parentuniq'] = uniQ; next.cnode['connection'] = c; if (focalnodeid) { next.cnode['focalnodeid'] = focalnodeid; } nodes.push(next); } } } section.loaded = 'true'; } if ($(countArea+uniQ)) { $(countArea+uniQ).update(nodes.length); } var otherAmount = 0; if (nodetype == "Pro" && $('count-counter'+uniQ)) { otherAmount = parseInt($('count-counter'+uniQ).innerHTML); } else if ($('count-support'+uniQ)) { otherAmount = parseInt($('count-support'+uniQ).innerHTML); } if ($('ideaargumentcount'+nodeid)) { $('ideaargumentcount'+nodeid).update(otherAmount+nodes.length); } if (nodes.length > 0){ displayArgumentNodes(section, nodes, parseInt(0), true, uniQ, type, status, nodetype); // for View auditing on toggle if ($('arguments'+uniQ)) { if (nodetype == "Con") { $('arguments'+uniQ).connodes = nodes; } else { $('arguments'+uniQ).pronodes = nodes; } } } if (otherend != "") { openSelectedItem(otherend, 'arguments'); } } }); } } /** * Render a list of Pro and Con nodes */ async function displayArgumentNodes(objDiv,nodes,start,includeUser,uniqueid, type, status, nodetype){ if (includeUser == undefined) { includeUser = true; } if (type == undefined) { type = 'active'; } if (uniqueid == undefined) { uniqueid = 'widget-list'; } if (status == undefined) { status = 0; } var myuniqueid = ""; var lOL = new Element("ol", {'start':start, 'class':'idea-list-ol'}); for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i].cnode; //console.log(node); if(node){ myuniqueid = uniqueid+i+start; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { myuniqueid = node.nodeid + connection.connid+myuniqueid; } else { myuniqueid = node.nodeid + myuniqueid; } var iUL = new Element("li", {'id':nodes[i].cnode.nodeid, 'class':'idea-list-li'}); if (nodes[i].cnode.nodeid == NODE_ARGS['selectednodeid']) { //row.className = "selectedback"; var options = new Array(); options['startcolor'] = '#FAFB7D'; options['endcolor'] = '#FDFDE3'; options['restorecolor'] = 'white'; options['duration'] = 5; highlightElement(iUL, options); } lOL.insert(iUL); var blobDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'argumentblobdiv'+myuniqueid, 'class':'idea-blob-list argumentblobdiv'}); var blobNode = await renderArgumentNode(nodes[i].cnode, myuniqueid, nodes[i].cnode.role[0].role, includeUser, type, status, nodetype); blobDiv.insert(blobNode); iUL.insert(blobDiv); } } objDiv.insert(lOL); } /** * Render the given node from an associated connection. * @param node the node object to render * @param uniQ is a unique id element prepended to the nodeid to form an overall unique id within the currently visible site elements * @param role the role object for this node * @param includeUser whether to include the user image and link * @param type defaults to 'active', but can be 'inactive' so nothing is clickable * or a specialized type for some of the popups */ async function renderArgumentNode(node, uniQ, role, includeUser, type, status, nodetype){ if (type === undefined) { type = "active"; } if(role === undefined){ role = node.role[0].role; } if (status == undefined) { status = 0; } var nodeuser = null; // JSON structure different if coming from popup where json_encode used. if (node.users[0].userid) { nodeuser = node.users[0]; } else { nodeuser = node.users[0].user; } var user = null; var connection = node.connection; if (connection) { user = connection.users[0].user; } var breakout = ""; //needs to check if embedded as a snippet if(top.location != self.location){ breakout = " target='_blank'"; } var focalrole = ""; var otherend = ""; if (connection) { var fN = connection.from[0].cnode; var tN = connection.to[0].cnode; if (node.nodeid == fN.nodeid) { focalrole = tN.role[0].role; otherend = tN; } else { focalrole = fN.role[0].role; otherend = fN; } } var nodeTable = new Element('table'); nodeTable.className = "toConnectionsTable table"; var row = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); row.setAttribute('name','argumentrowitem'); row.setAttribute('id','argumentrowitem'+uniQ); row.setAttribute('uniQ',uniQ); row.setAttribute('nodeid',node.nodeid); row.setAttribute('parentid',node.parentid); var textCell = row.insertCell(-1); textCell.vAlign="top"; textCell.align="left"; var textDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'textdivargument'+uniQ, 'class':'textdivargument' }); textCell.insert(textDiv); var title = node.name; var textspan = new Element("a", { 'id':'desctoggle'+uniQ, 'class':'itemtext', 'title':'Go to full information on this item.', 'href': URL_ROOT+"explore.php?id="+node.nodeid, }); textspan.insert(title); textDiv.insert(textspan); if (USER == nodeuser.userid && type == "active") { var editbutton = new Element("img", { 'class':'imagebuttonfaded', 'src':'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/edit.png', 'title':'Edit this Argument', }); textDiv.insert(editbutton); Event.observe(editbutton,'click',function (){ editInline(uniQ, 'argument'); }); var deletename = node.name; var del = new Element('img',{'style':'cursor: pointer;padding-left:5px;','alt':'Delete', 'src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/delete.png'}); Event.observe(del,'click',function (){ var callback = function () { if (nodetype == "Con") { $('counterkidsdiv'+node.parentuniq).loaded = 'false'; loadChildArguments('counterkidsdiv'+node.parentuniq, node.parentid, 'Counter Evidence', 'challenges', 'Con', node.parentid, node.parentuniq, 'count-counter', type, status, $('votebardiv'+node.parentuniq)); refreshStats(); } else if (nodetype == 'Pro') { $('supportkidsdiv'+node.parentuniq).loaded = 'false'; loadChildArguments('supportkidsdiv'+node.parentuniq, node.parentid, 'Supporting Evidence', 'supports', 'Pro', node.parentid, node.parentuniq, 'count-support', type, status, $('votebardiv'+node.parentuniq)); refreshStats(); } } deleteNode(node.nodeid, deletename, role.name, callback); }); textDiv.insert(del); } try { const resourcenodes = await loadChildResources(node.nodeid, status); //console.log(resourcenodes); node.resourcenodes = resourcenodes; //console.log(node.resourcenodes); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } if (node.resourcenodes && node.resourcenodes.length > 0) { var menuButton = new Element('img',{'alt':'>', 'style':'margin-left:10px;width:16px;height:16px;','src': 'https://isave.evidence-hub.net/images/nodetypes/Default/reference-32x32.png'}); textDiv.appendChild(menuButton); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(menuButton,'mouseover',function (event) { var position = getPosition(this); var panel = $('toolbardiv'+uniQ); var panelWidth = 200; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = position.x; var y = position.y; if ( (x+panelWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panelWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } x = x+30+getPageOffsetX(); panel.style.left = x+"px"; panel.style.top = y+"px"; //console.log(panel) showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); var toolbarDiv = new Element("div", {'id':'toolbardiv'+uniQ, 'class':'toolbarDiv', 'style':'left:-1px;top:-1px;clear:both;position:absolute;display:none;z-index:60;padding:5px;border:1px solid gray;background:white'} ); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseout',function (event){ hideBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); Event.observe(toolbarDiv,'mouseover',function (event){ showBox('toolbardiv'+uniQ); }); textDiv.appendChild(toolbarDiv); for(var i=0; i < node.resourcenodes.length; i++){ if(node.resourcenodes[i].urls && node.resourcenodes[i].urls && node.resourcenodes[i].urls.length > 0){ const next = node.resourcenodes[i].urls[0]; const url = next.url.url; let weblink = new Element("a", {'style':'clear:both;float:left;margin-bottom:6px;','target':'_blank'}); weblink.href = url; let resourcetype = "Web Resource"; if (RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(node.resourcenodes[i].role[0].role.name)!= -1) { resourcetype = RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMES[RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(node.resourcenodes[i].role[0].role.name)] } weblink.insert(next.url.title+' ('+resourcetype+")"); toolbarDiv.insert(weblink); } } } if(node.description || node.hasdesc){ var dStr = '
'; if (node.description && node.description != "") { dStr += node.description; } dStr += '
'; textDiv.insert(dStr); } // VOTING if (includeUser == true) { var userCell = row.insertCell(-1); if (connection) { var cDate = new Date(connection.creationdate*1000); var dStr = "Added by: "+user.name+ " on "+cDate.format(DATE_FORMAT) userCell.title = dStr; } // Add right side with user image and date below var iuDiv = new Element("div", { 'id':'editformuserdivargument'+uniQ, 'class':'idea-user2' }); var userimageThumb = new Element('img',{'alt':nodeuser.name, 'src': nodeuser.thumb}); if (type == "active") { var imagelink = new Element('a', { 'href':URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+nodeuser.userid }); if (breakout != "") { imagelink.target = "_blank"; } imagelink.insert(userimageThumb); iuDiv.update(imagelink); } else { iuDiv.insert(userimageThumb) } userCell.insert(iuDiv); } var row2 = nodeTable.insertRow(-1); var editCell = row2.insertCell(-1); /** ADD THE EDIT FORM FOR THE ARGUMENT **/ if (USER == user.userid && type == 'active') { var editDiv = new Element("div", { 'class':'addformdivedit', 'id':'editformdivargument'+uniQ, 'style':'display:none' }); editCell.insert(editDiv); var legendtitle = new Element("h2", {'style':'margin-bottom:10px;',}); legendtitle.insert('Editing'); editDiv.insert(legendtitle); var editargumentid = new Element("input", { 'name':'editargumentid', 'id':'editargumentid'+uniQ, 'type':'hidden', 'value':node.nodeid, }); editDiv.insert(editargumentid); var editargumentroleid = new Element("input", { 'name':'editargumentnodetypeid', 'id':'editargumentnodetypeid'+uniQ, 'type':'hidden', 'value':role.roleid, }); editDiv.insert(editargumentroleid); var rowDiv1 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', 'style':'padding-top:0px;', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv1); var editargumentname = new Element("input", { 'class':'hgrinput', 'placeholder':'Idea Title...', 'id':'editargumentname'+uniQ, 'name':'editargumentname', 'value':node.name, }); rowDiv1.insert(editargumentname); var rowDiv2 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv2); var editargumentdesc = new Element("textarea", { 'rows':'3', 'class':'hgrinput', 'placeholder':'Idea Description...', 'id':'editargumentdesc'+uniQ, 'name':'editargumentdesc', }); editargumentdesc.insert(node.description); rowDiv2.insert(editargumentdesc); var rowDiv = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', 'id':'linksdivedit'+uniQ, 'style':'margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:0px;' }); rowDiv.linkcount = 0; editDiv.insert(rowDiv); let resourcelabel = new Element("label", {'for':'resourceformlabelpro'+uniQ, 'style': 'font-weight:bold'}); resourcelabel.insert('Resources:'); rowDiv.insert(resourcelabel); if (node.resourcenodes && node.resourcenodes.length > 0) { rowDiv.linkcount = node.resourcenodes.length-1; for(var i=0; i < node.resourcenodes.length; i++){ if(node.resourcenodes[i].urls && node.resourcenodes[i].urls && node.resourcenodes[i].urls.length > 0){ rowDiv.noResources = 0; const newitem = getArgumentResource('linksdivedit'+uniQ, 'edit'+nodetype.toLowerCase()+uniQ, rowDiv.noResources, node.resourcenodes[i]); rowDiv.noResources ++; rowDiv.insert(newitem); } } } else { rowDiv.noResources = 0; const newitem = getArgumentResource('linksdivedit'+uniQ, 'edit'+nodetype.toLowerCase()+uniQ, rowDiv.noResources); rowDiv.noResources ++; rowDiv.insert(newitem); } var rowDiv5 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv5); var addURL = new Element("a", { 'class':'hgrinput', 'href':'javascript:void(0)', 'style':'margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;;' }); addURL.insert("Add Another Resource"); Event.observe(addURL,'click',function (){ addArgumentResource('linksdivedit'+uniQ, 'edit'+nodetype.toLowerCase()+uniQ); //insertArgumentLink(uniQ, 'edit'); }); rowDiv5.insert(addURL); var rowDiv6 = new Element("div", { 'class':'mb-3 row', }); editDiv.insert(rowDiv6); var editargumentsave = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'id':'editargument', 'name':'editargument', 'value':"Save", }); Event.observe(editargumentsave,'click',function () { editArgumentNode(node, uniQ, 'argument', nodetype, type, includeUser, status); }); rowDiv6.insert(editargumentsave); var editargumentcancel = new Element("input", { 'type':'button', 'id':'cancelargument', 'name':'editargument', 'value':"Cancel", 'style':'margin-top:10px;', }); Event.observe(editargumentcancel,'click',function (){ cancelEditAction(uniQ, 'argument'); }); rowDiv6.insert(editargumentcancel); } return nodeTable; } /** * Add another resource block */ function addArgumentResource(section, uniQ) { let noResources = 0; if ($(section).noResources) { noResources = $(section).noResources; } else { $(section).noResources = 0; } const newitem = getArgumentResource(section, uniQ, noResources); $(section).insert(newitem); noResources++; $(section).noResources = noResources; } function getArgumentResource(section, uniQ, noResources, node) { let uniQid = uniQ; if (node) { uniQid = node.nodeid+uniQ; } var newitem = '
'; if (node) { newitem += ''; } else { newitem += ''; } newitem += '
'; newitem += ''; newitem += '
'; newitem += '
'; if (node) { newitem += ''; } else { newitem += ''; } newitem += '
'; newitem += '
'; if (node) { newitem += ''; } else { newitem += ''; } newitem += '
'; if (node && node.role[0].role.name == "Publication") { newitem += '
'; newitem += ''; newitem += '
'; } else { newitem += ''; } newitem += '
'; newitem += 'remove
'; newitem += '
'; newitem += '
'; return newitem; } function typeChangedArgumentResource(uniQ, num) { var type = $('resource'+uniQ+num+'menu').value; if (type == "Publication") { $('identifierdiv-'+uniQ+num).style.display = "block"; } else { $('identifierdiv-'+uniQ+num).style.display = "none"; } } function removeArgumentResource(section, uniQ, i) { var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this item? This action cannot be undone!"); if(answer){ if ($(section) && $('resourcefield'+uniQ+i)) { console.log($(section).childElements()); if( $(section).childElements().length > 0){ $('resourcefield'+uniQ+i).remove(); } } } return; } /** * load child list of resources, if required as per parameters. */ async function loadChildResources(nodeid, status){ return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=getconnectionsbynode&style=long&sort=ASC&orderby=date&status="+status; reqUrl += "&filterlist="+"is related to"+"&filternodetypes="+RESOURCE_TYPES_STR+"&scope=all&start=0&max=-1&nodeid="+nodeid; //console.log(reqUrl); new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); reject(new Array()); } var conns = json.connectionset[0].connections; //console.log(conns.length); var nodes = new Array(); if (conns.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i < conns.length; i++){ var c = conns[i].connection; var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN = c.to[0].cnode; if (fN.nodeid == nodeid) { tN.connid = c.connid; nodes.push(tN); } if (tN.nodeid == nodeid) { fN.connid = c.connid; nodes.push(fN); } } } resolve(nodes); }, onFailure: function(response) { console.log(response); reject(new Array()); } }); }); } function ideatoggle(section, uniQ, id, sect, rolename, focalnodeid) { if ($(section).style.display == 'block') { $(section).style.display = 'none'; } else if ($(section).style.display == 'none') { $(section).style.display = 'block'; } //Audit viewing of child lists only if opening area if ($(section).style.display == 'block') { if (sect == "arguments") { if ($(section).pronodes) { var nodes = $(section).pronodes; var count = nodes.length; var nodeids = ""; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (i == 0) { nodeids = nodeids + node.cnode.nodeid; } else { nodeids = nodeids+","+node.cnode.nodeid; } } var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=auditnodeviewmulti&nodeids="+nodeids+"&viewtype=list"; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); } } }); } if ($(section).connodes) { var nodes = $(section).connodes; var count = nodes.length; var nodeids = ""; for (var i=0; i < count;i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (i == 0) { nodeids = nodeids + node.cnode.nodeid; } else { nodeids = nodeids + ","+node.cnode.nodeid; } } var reqUrl = SERVICE_ROOT + "&method=auditnodeviewmulti&nodeids="+nodeids+"&viewtype=list"; new Ajax.Request(reqUrl, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(json.error){ alert(json.error[0].message); } } }); } } } if ($('idearowitem'+uniQ)) { if( ($('comments'+uniQ) && $('comments'+uniQ).style.display == 'none' && $('arguments'+uniQ).style.display == 'none') || (!$('comments'+uniQ) && $('arguments'+uniQ).style.display == 'none') ){ $('idearowitem'+uniQ).style.background = "transparent"; } else { $('idearowitem'+uniQ).style.background = "#E8E8E8"; } } }