var NODE_CONTEXT = 'node';var USER_CONTEXT = 'user';var GLOBAL_CONTEXT = 'global';var EVIDENCE_TYPES = new Array("Argument");var EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR = 'Argument';var EVIDENCE_TYPE_NAMES = new Array("Argument");var EVIDENCE_TYPE_NAMES_SHORT = new Array("Argument");var COMMENT_TYPES = 'Comment';var BASE_TYPES = new Array("Challenge","Solution","Issue","Claim","Organization","Project","Theme");var BASE_TYPES_STR = 'Challenge,Solution,Issue,Claim,Organization,Project,Theme';var RESOURCE_TYPES = new Array("Publication","Web Resource");var RESOURCE_TYPES_STR = 'Publication,Web Resource';var RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMES = new Array("Publication","Web Resource");var RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMES_SHORT = new Array("Publication","Web Resource");var THEMES = new Array("Behaviour Change","Consuming Energy","Environmental Impact","Good Practices","Institutional Actions","The tree in KMi");var orgGeoLat=17.383;var orgGeoLong=11.183;var orgGeoZoom=2;var userGeoLat=17.383;var userGeoLong=11.183;var userGeoZoom=2;var userNodeGeoLat=17.383;var userNodeGeoLong=11.183;var userNodeGeoZoom=2;var challengebackpale = '#6FCBF5';var issuebackpale = '#C6ECFE';var solutionbackpale = '#E1F1C9';var claimbackpale = '#ABCD7B';var orgbackpale = '#A4AED4';var projectbackpale = '#DEE2F0';var peoplebackpale = '#EAECF5';var evidencebackpale = '#DFC7EB';var resourcebackpale = '#D8DA42';var themebackpale = '#FAB8DA';var plainbackpale = '#D0D0D0';var hasClaim = true;var hasSolution = true;var hasChallenge = true;var hasOpenComment = false;var chatPollingInterval = 60000; /** * Variables */ var URL_ROOT = ""; var SERVICE_ROOT = URL_ROOT + "api/service.php?format=json"; var USER = ""; var IS_USER_ADMIN = ""; var BUILD_FROM_PERMISSIONS = 'all'; var DATE_FORMAT = 'd/m/yy'; var DATE_FORMAT_PROJECT = 'd mmm yyyy'; var TIME_FORMAT = 'd/m/yy - H:MM'; var SELECTED_LINKTYES = ""; var SELECTED_NODETYPES = ""; var SELECTED_USERS = ""; var IE = 0; var IE5 = 0; var NS = 0; var GECKO = 0; var openpopups = new Array(); /** Store some variables about the browser being used.*/ if (document.all) { // Internet Explorer Detected OS = navigator.platform; VER = new String(navigator.appVersion); VER = VER.substr(VER.indexOf("MSIE")+5, VER.indexOf(" ")); if ((VER <= 5) && (OS == "Win32")) { IE5 = true; } else { IE = true; } } else if (document.layers) { // Netscape Navigator Detected NS = true; } else if (document.getElementById) { // Netscape 6 Detected GECKO = true; } String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } /** * Check to see if the enter key was pressed then fire the onlcik of that item. */ function enterKeyPressed(evt) { var event = evt || window.event; var thing = || event.srcElement; var characterCode = document.all? window.event.keyCode:event.which; if(characterCode == 13) { thing.onclick(); } } /** * Check to see if the enter key was pressed. */ function checkKeyPressed(evt) { var event = evt || window.event; var thing = || event.srcElement; var characterCode = document.all? window.event.keyCode:event.which; if(characterCode == 13) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * get the anchor (#) value from the url */ function getAnchorVal(defVal){ var url = document.location; var strippedUrl = url.toString().split("#"); if(strippedUrl.length > 1 && strippedUrl[1] != ""){ return strippedUrl[1]; } else { return defVal; } } /** * Update the address parameters for a change in state. */ function updateAddressParameters(args) { if (typeof window.history.replaceState == 'function') { var newUrl = createNewURL(window.location.href, args); //const state = {} //const title = ''; //const url = newUrl; //window.history.pushState(state, title, url); 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// Messes up menu positions in Chrome if this is included. // Works fine on all main browsers and Chrome if it is not. // yPosition -= element.scrollTop; //alert(" :"+"element.offsetTop: "+element.offsetTop+" element.scrollTop :"+element.scrollTop+" element.clientTop :"+element.clientTop); //alert(" :"+xPosition+":"+yPosition); // if the element is a table, get the parentElement as offsetParent is wrong if (element.nodeName == 'TABLE') { var prevelement = element; var nextelement = element.parentNode; //find a div with any scroll set. while(nextelement != prevelement.offsetParent) { yPosition -= nextelement.scrollTop; xPosition -= nextelement.scrollLeft; nextelement = nextelement.parentNode; } } element = element.offsetParent; } return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition }; } /** * Display the home page text for the nav bar. */ function showHomeNavText(event, type) { var messgeArea = ""; if ($('globalMessage')) { messgeArea = $('globalMessage') } else if ($('resourceMessage')) { messgeArea = $('resourceMessage') } messgeArea.innerHTML=""; var text = ""; if (type == "ChallengesHome") { text += '

Key Challenges connect to Issues. This connection explains the Key Challenge has one or more sub problems it can be mapped into (the Issues).

'; } else if (type == "IssuesHome") { text += '

Issues can be connected to: Key Challenges (left hand connection) and to Ideas and Facts (right hand connection).

The left hand connection explains what higher-level problem the Issue is related to.

The right connection to a Idea explains what practical solution has been proposed to address the Issue.

The right connection to a Fact explains what knowledge statements can be made to address the Issue.

'; } else if (type == "EvidenceHome") { text += '

Arguments can be connected to Ideas/Facts (left hand connection) and to Resources (right hand connection).

The left hand connection explains what Idea/Fact the Argument is either supporting or challenging.

The right hand connection explains what Resources (either Web Resources or Research Publications) can be pointed out to endorse the Argument.

'; } else if (type == "ResourcesHome") { text = '

Resource can be connected to Argument. This connection explains what Argument can be distilled from or endorsed by this Resource.

'; } else if (type == "ClaimsHome") { text += '

Facts can be connected to Issues (left hand connection) and to Argument (right hand connection).

The left hand connection explains what Issue a Fact addresses.

The right hand connection explains what Argument is there that a Fact is sound.

'; } else if (type == "SolutionsHome") { text += '

Ideas can be connected to Issues (left hand connection) and to Argument (right hand connection).

The left hand connection explains what Issue a Idea addresses.

The right hand connection explains what Argument is there that a Idea is working.

'; } else if (type == "OrganisationsHome") { text += '

Organizations can be connected to any of the Knowledge categories on the left. Organizations can manage one or more Projects and be partnered with other Organizations and Projects

'; } else if (type == "ProjectsHome") { text += '

Projects can be connected to any of the Knowledge categories on the left. Projects can be managed by one or more Organizations and partnered with other Projects and Organizations

'; } if (text != "") { messgeArea.insert(text); showHint(event, 'hgrhint', 10, -10); } } /** * Display the home page text for the given type. */ function showHomeButtonText(evt, type) { var event = evt || window.event; var target = || event.srcElement; if ( == 'issueaddhomelink' || == 'solutionaddhomelink' || == 'claimaddhomelink' || == 'evidenceaddhomelink' || == 'signinhome' || == 'signuphome') { return false; } if ($('homebuttonmessagediv').style.display == "block" && type == $('homebuttonmessagelasttype').value) { $('homebuttonmessagediv').style.display = "none"; } else { $('homebuttonmessage').innerHTML=""; $('homebuttonmessagediv').className="plainborder curvedBorder"; var text = ""; if (type == "issue") { $('solutionhomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('evidencehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv').className="issueborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Issues describe key problems the community has directly added to the Evidence Hub and brought into debate.

An Issue should be ideally phrased as question and should be ideally connected to one or more of the Key Challenges the community is trying to address.

Each member of the community can either add a new Issue to the Evidence Hub or collaboratively improve an existing Issue by adding:

The list of key Issues added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Issue tab.

Within the Issues list, Issues can also be promoted or demoted, so that the community can express how important they consider each Issue to be compared to the other Issues the community has raised. Up-green/down-red arrows can be used to promote/demote Issues in the list.

'; } else if (type == "solution") { $('issuehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('evidencehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv').className="solutionborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Ideas and Facts are used to answer specific Issues and they can be supported or challenged by specific Argument.

A Idea describes a solution that practitioners within the community have tried out and can report on.
A Fact describes specific knowledge statements that people within the community have made or can report on.

Ideas and Facts should be ideally connected to one or more existing Issues that have been added to the Evidence Hub.

Each member of the community can add a new Idea or Fact to the Evidence Hub or collaboratively improve an existing Idea or Fact by adding:

Ideas and Facts have a key role within the Evidence Hub since they frame the topics of the community debate.
The main objective of the Evidence Hub is to promote a community debate around Ideas and Facts. To contribute to this debate each member of the community can add Argument in favour (Supporting Argument) or Argument against (Counter Argument) to each Idea or Fact that has been added to the Evidence Hub.

The list of Ideas added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Ideas tab.

The list of Facts added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Facts tab.

Within the list of Ideas and Facts, these can also be promoted or demoted, so that the community can express how important they consider each Idea or Fact to be compared to the other Ideas and Facts the community has raised. Up-green/down-red arrows can be used to promote/demote Ideas and Facts in the list.

'; } else if (type == "evidence") { $('issuehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('solutionhomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv').className="evidenceborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Argument represents the distillation of the community effort to map what works and what does not work within the community as suggested by practice or by research. As such Arguments are the heart to the Evidence Hub.

Argument can be one of the following: Argument, that the community has added to the Website.

Ideally Argument will either support or challenge at least one existing Idea or Fact

Each member of the community can either add some new Argument to the Evidence Hub or collaboratively improve an existing Argument by adding:

The list of Argument added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Argument tab.

Within the Argument List, Argument can also be promoted or demoted, so that the community can express how important they consider each Argument to be compared to the other Argument the community has raised. Up-green/down-red arrows can be used to promote/demote Argument in the list.

'; } if (text != "") { $('homebuttonmessage').insert(text); $('homebuttonmessagediv').style.display = "block"; } else { alert('** text not found **'); } } $('homebuttonmessagelasttype').value = type; } /** * Display the home page text for the given type. */ function showHomeButtonText2(evt, type) { var event = evt || window.event; var target = || event.srcElement; if ( == 'resourceaddhomelink' || == 'orgaddhomelink' || == 'projectaddhomelink' || == 'pstoryaddhomelink' || == 'rstoryaddhomelink' || == 'signinhome' || == 'signuphome') { return false; } if ($('homebuttonmessagediv2').style.display == "block" && type == $('homebuttonmessagelasttype2').value) { $('homebuttonmessagediv2').style.display = "none"; } else { $('homebuttonmessage2').innerHTML=""; $('homebuttonmessagediv2').className="plainborder curvedBorder"; var text = ""; if (type == "resource") { $('orghomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('storyhomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv2').className="resourceborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Resources are the Publications (URL pointing at Research Papers) or Web Resources (URLs pointing at any other relevant Website) that have been added to the Evidence Hub.

Resources can be used in two main ways:

Each member of the community can either add a new Resource to the Evidence Hub or collaboratively improve an existing Resource by adding:

The list of Resources added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Resources tab.

'; } else if (type == "org") { $('resourcehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('storyhomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv2').className="orgborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Organizations and Projects can be added to the Evidence Hub to map the organizational ecosystem of the community.
The list of Organizations/Projects added by the community so far can be explored by clicking on the Organization/Project tab.
Projects and Organizations can also be explored by geo-location.

Each member of the community can either add a new Organization or Project to the Evidence Hub, or they can collaboratively improve an existing Organization/Project by adding:
'; } else if (type == "story") { $('resourcehomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('orghomebutton').className="plainbackgradient plainborder curvedBorder homebutton1"; $('homebuttonmessagediv2').className="themeborder curvedBorder"; text += '

Whether you are new to the site, or you want to add a lot of content in one go, or if you are a member of the community and you want to add knowledge on your recent work, then the best way to add content to the Evidence Hub is by adding a \"Practitioner Story\" or a \"Researcher Story\".

A Practitioner/Researcher Story is built by providing answers to the following questions:

Users can add a Story by clicking on Add a Practitioner Story or Add a Reseacher Story.

'; } if (text != "") { $('homebuttonmessage2').insert(text); $('homebuttonmessagediv2').style.display = "block"; } else { alert('** text not found **'); } } $('homebuttonmessagelasttype2').value = type; } /** * Display the home page text for the given type. */ function showHomeButtonText3(evt, type) { if ($('homebuttonmessagediv3').style.display == "block" && type == $('homebuttonmessagelasttype3').value) { $('homebuttonmessagediv3').style.display = "none"; } else { $('homebuttonmessage3').innerHTML=""; $('homebuttonmessagediv3').className="plainborder curvedBorder"; var text = ""; if (type == "challenge") { $('homebuttonmessagediv3').className="challengeborder curvedBorder"; text += '

The community can use Key Challenges as common umbrella questions to cluster the issues they add to the Evidence Hub.

Key Challenges can also be used to cluster projects and organizations under common umbrella problems they tackle.

Finally the community can also contribute to the general description of a Key Challenge by adding Web resources to it.

Key Challenges are identified by the core Evidence Hub for Energy Awareness in KMi team, through analysis of data in the Evidence Hub and in consultation with leading researchers and practitioners in the community. They can be explored under the Key Challenges tab. (hyperlink to the tab)

Key Challenges form a good starting point for exploring the Argument in the hub.

Key Challenges can be explored by clicking on the Key Challenges tab.

Within the Key Challenges list, Key Challenges can also be promoted or demoted, so that the community can express how important they consider each Key Challenge to be compared to the other Key Challenges the community has raised. Up-green/down-red arrows can be used to promote/demote Key Challenges in the list.

'; } if (text != "") { $('homebuttonmessage3').insert(text); $('homebuttonmessagediv3').style.display = "block"; } else { alert('** text not found **'); } } $('homebuttonmessagelasttype3').value = type; } /** * Display the index page hint for the given type. */ function showGlobalHint(type,evt,panelName) { $(panelName).style.width="400px"; var event = evt || window.event; var messgeArea = ""; if ($('globalMessage')) { messgeArea = $('globalMessage') } else if ($('resourceMessage')) { messgeArea = $('resourceMessage') } messgeArea.innerHTML=""; if (type == "ChallengesTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "IssuesTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "SolutionsTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "ClaimsTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "EvidenceTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "ResourcesTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "OrganizationsTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "ProjectsTab") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); }else if (type == "PeopleTab") { var text = '

The Evidence Hub is a community-led, collective intelligence - raise your own questions, propose solutions, add evidence to really benefit from this resource!

To start contributing please create an account

'; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "MainSearch") { var text = '
The default search will separate words using the spaces and perform an OR search, e.g. \'school system\' will search for the words \'school\' OR \'system\' in either the item title, item description, item tags or any associated web clip texts.

Use a \'+\' between words is you wish to perform an AND search, e.g. \'school+system\' will search for both the words \'school\' and \'system\' somewhere in either the item title, item description, item tags or any associated web clip texts.

Use double quotes around the search string to perform a phrase search, e.g. \"school system\" will search for the exact phrase \'school system\' in either the item title, item description, item tags or any associated web clip texts.
'; messgeArea.insert(text); } showHint(event, panelName, 10, -10); } /** * Display the eplore page hint for the given field type. */ function showExploreHint(type,evt,panelName) { $(panelName).style.width="400px"; var event = evt || window.event; var messgeArea = ""; if ($('globalMessage')) { messgeArea = $('globalMessage') } else if ($('resourceMessage')) { messgeArea = $('resourceMessage') } messgeArea.innerHTML=""; if (type == "Challenges") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Issues") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Solutions") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Claims") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Evidence") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Resources") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Organizations") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); } else if (type == "Projects") { var text = ''; messgeArea.insert(text); 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"); var radio2 = new Element('input', {'style':'vertical-align:bottom','type':'radio','name':'radioPrompt','value':'challenges'}); Event.observe(radio2,'click', function() { if (this.checked) { $('radiopromptchoice').value = this.value; } }); $('prompttext').insert(radio2); $('prompttext').insert('- Countering'); $('prompttext').insert("
"); $('prompttext').insert("
"); var buttonOK = new Element('input', { 'style':'clear: both;margin-top: 5px; font-size: 8pt', 'type':'button', 'value':'Continue'}); Event.observe(buttonOK,'click', function() { var valuechosen = $('radiopromptchoice').value; eval( refresher + '("'+focalnodeid+'","'+filternodetypes+'","'+focalnodeend+'","'+handler+'","'+key+'","'+nodetofocusid+'","'+valuechosen+'")' ); textAreaCancel(); }); var buttonCancel = new Element('input', { 'style':'margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 8pt', 'type':'button', 'value':'Cancel'}); Event.observe(buttonCancel,'click', textAreaCancel); $('prompttext').insert(buttonOK); $('prompttext').insert(buttonCancel); $('prompttext').style.display = "block"; } function textAreaCancel() { $('prompttext').style.display = "none"; $('prompttext').update(""); } function textAreaPrompt(messageStr, text, connid, handler, refresher) { $('prompttext').innerHTML=""; $('prompttext').style.width = "400px"; $('prompttext').style.height = "200px"; var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = (viewportWidth-400)/2; var y = (viewportHeight-200)/2; $('prompttext').style.left = x+getPageOffsetX()+"px"; $('prompttext') = y+getPageOffsetY()+"px"; var textarea1 = new Element('textarea', {'id':'messagetextarea','rows':'10','style':'color: black; width:390px; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 3px; overflow:hidden'}); textarea1.value=text; var buttonOK = new Element('input', { 'style':'clear: both;margin-top: 5px; font-size: 8pt', 'type':'button', 'value':'Publish'}); Event.observe(buttonOK,'click', function() { eval( refresher + '("'+connid+'","'+textarea1.value+'","'+handler+'")' ); textAreaCancel(); }); var buttonCancel = new Element('input', { 'style':'margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 8pt', 'type':'button', 'value':'Cancel'}); Event.observe(buttonCancel,'click', textAreaCancel); $('prompttext').insert(textarea1); $('prompttext').insert(buttonOK); $('prompttext').insert(buttonCancel); $('prompttext').style.display = "block"; } function fadeMessage(messageStr) { var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var x = (viewportWidth-300)/2; var y = (viewportHeight-100)/2; $('message').style.left = x+getPageOffsetX()+"px"; $('message') = y+getPageOffsetY()+"px"; $('message').update(""); $('message').update(messageStr); $('message').style.display = "block"; fadein(); var fade=setTimeout("fadeout()",2500); } function fadein(){ var element = document.getElementById("message"); = 0.0; fadeinloop(); } function fadeinloop(){ var element = document.getElementById("message"); += 0.1; if( > 1.0) { = 1.0; } else { setTimeout("fadeinloop()", 100); } } function fadeout(){ var element = document.getElementById("message"); = 1.0; fadeoutloop(); } function fadeoutloop(){ var element = document.getElementById("message"); -= 0.1; if( < 0.0) { = 0.0; } else { setTimeout("fadeoutloop()", 100); } } function getLoading(infoText){ var loadDiv = new Element("div",{'class':'loading'}); loadDiv.insert("loading"); loadDiv.insert("
"+infoText); return loadDiv; } function getLoadingLine(infoText){ var loadDiv = new Element("div",{'class':'loading'}); loadDiv.insert("loading"); loadDiv.insert(" "+infoText); return loadDiv; } function nl2br (dataStr) { return dataStr.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "
"); } /** * * MB: I modified the original as I could not get it to work as it was. */ function isValidURI(uri) { if (!uri) uri = ""; //SERVER SIDE URL VALIDATION //at some point the two should match! //'protocol' => '((http|https|ftp|mailto)://)', //'access' => '(([a-z0-9_]+):([a-z0-9-_]*)@)?', //'sub_domain' => '(([a-z0-9_-]+\.)*)', //'domain' => '(([a-z0-9-]{2,})\.)', //'tld' =>'([a-z0-9_]+)', //'port'=>'(:(\d+))?', //'path'=>'((/[a-z0-9-_.%~]*)*)?', //'query'=>'(\?[^? ]*)?' var schemeRE = /^([-a-z0-9]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i; var authorityRE = /^([-a-z0-9.]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i; var pathRE = /^([-a-z0-9._~:@!$&'()*+,;=\//#]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i; var qqRE = /^([-a-z0-9._~:@!$&'\[\]()*+,;=?\/]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i; var qfRE = /^([-a-z0-9._~:@!$&#'\[\]()*+,;=?\/]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i; var parser = /^(?:([^:\/?]+):)?(?:\/\/([^\/?]*))?([^?]*)(?:\?([^\#]*))?(?:(.*))?/; var result = uri.match(parser); var scheme = result[1] || null; var authority = result[2] || null; var path = result[3] || null; var query = result[4] || null; var fragment = result[5] || null; //alert("scheme="+scheme); //alert("authority="+authority); //alert("path="+path); //alert("query="+query); //alert("fragment="+fragment); if (!scheme || !scheme.match(schemeRE)) { //alert('scheme failed'); return false; } if (!authority || !authority.match(authorityRE)) { //alert('authority failed'); return false; } if (path != null && !path.match(pathRE)) { //alert('path failed'); return false; } if (query && !query.match(qqRE)) { //alert('query failed'); return false; } if (fragment && !fragment.match(qfRE)) { //alert('fragment failed'); return false; } return true; } /** * */ function urlCheck(str) { var v = new RegExp(); v.compile("^[A-Za-z]+://[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_%&\?\/.=]+$"); if (!v.test(str)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Display explore page in a popup (called by applets). */ function viewNodeDetails(nodeid, nodetype, width, height) { loadDialog('details', URL_ROOT+"explore.php?id="+nodeid, width,height); } /** * Add the given connection object to the given map. * @param c the connection to add (json of connection returned from server). * @param map the name of the map applet to add the data to */ function addConnectionToNetworkMap(c, map) { var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN =[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var fNNodeImage = ""; if (fN.imagethumbnail != null && fN.imagethumbnail != "") { fNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + fN.imagethumbnail; } else if (fN.role[0].role.image != null && fN.role[0].role.image != "") { fNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + fN.role[0].role.image; } var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; var tNNodeImage = ""; if (tN.imagethumbnail != null && tN.imagethumbnail != "") { tNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + tN.imagethumbnail; } else if (tN.role[0].role.image != null && tN.role[0].role.image != "") { tNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + tN.role[0].role.image; } var fromRole = fN.role[0]; var toRole = tN.role[0]; var fromDesc = ""; if (fN.description) { fromDesc = fN.description; } var toDesc = ""; if (tN.description) { toDesc = tN.description; } var fromName =; var toName =; // Get HEX for From Role var fromHEX = ""; if (fromRole == 'Challenge') { fromHEX = challengebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Issue') { fromHEX = issuebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Claim') { fromHEX = claimbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Solution') { fromHEX = solutionbackpale; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { fromHEX = evidencebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Project') { fromHEX = projectbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Organization') { fromHEX = orgbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Theme') { fromHEX = themebackpale; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { fromHEX = resourcebackpale; } else { fromHEX = plainbackpale; } // Get HEX for To Role var toHEX = ""; if (toRole == 'Challenge') { toHEX = challengebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Issue') { toHEX = issuebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Claim') { toHEX = claimbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Solution') { toHEX = solutionbackpale; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { toHEX = evidencebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Project') { toHEX = projectbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Organization') { toHEX = orgbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Theme') { toHEX = themebackpale; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { toHEX = resourcebackpale; } else { toHEX = plainbackpale; } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { if (fromDesc != "") { var tempName = fromName; fromName = fromDesc; fromDesc = tempName; } } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { if (toDesc != "") { var tempName = toName; toName = toDesc; toDesc = tempName; } } fromRole = getNodeTitleAntecedence(fromRole, false); toRole = getNodeTitleAntecedence(toRole, false); //create from & to nodes $(map).addNode(fN.nodeid, fromRole+": "+fromName, fromDesc, fN.users[0].user.userid, fN.creationdate, fN.otheruserconnections, fNNodeImage, fN.users[0].user.thumb, fN.users[0], fromRole, fromHEX); $(map).addNode(tN.nodeid, toRole+": "+toName, toDesc, tN.users[0].user.userid, tN.creationdate, tN.otheruserconnections, tNNodeImage, tN.users[0].user.thumb, tN.users[0], toRole, toHEX); // add edge/conn var fromRoleName = fromRole; if (c.fromrole[0].role) { fromRoleName = c.fromrole[0]; } var toRoleName = toRole; if (c.torole[0].role) { toRoleName = c.torole[0]; } var linklabelname = c.linktype[0].linktype.label; linklabelname = getLinkLabelName(fN.role[0], tN.role[0], linklabelname); $(map).addEdge(c.connid, fN.nodeid, tN.nodeid, c.linktype[0].linktype.grouplabel, linklabelname, c.creationdate, c.userid, c.users[0], fromRoleName, toRoleName); } /** * Get the language version of the link label that should be displayed to the users. * Allows for local varients and internationalization. */ function getLinkLabelName(fromNodeTypeName, toNodeTypeName, linkName) { if (RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(fromNodeTypeName) != -1 && linkName == 'is related to') { return 'is related to'; } else if (fromNodeTypeName == 'Issue' && toNodeTypeName == 'Challenge') { return 'is related to'; } else if (fromNodeTypeName == 'Claim' && toNodeTypeName == 'Issue') { return 'responds to'; } else if (fromNodeTypeName == 'Solution' && toNodeTypeName == 'Issue') { return 'addresses'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && toNodeTypeName == 'Issue') { return 'addresses'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && toNodeTypeName == 'Challenge') { return 'addresses'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && toNodeTypeName == 'Claim') { return 'claims'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && toNodeTypeName == 'Solution') { return 'specifies'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && EVIDENCE_TYPES.indexOf(toNodeTypeName) != -1) { return 'specifies'; } else if (fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' && toNodeTypeName == 'Project') { return 'manages'; } else if ((fromNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || fromNodeTypeName == 'Project') && (toNodeTypeName == 'Organization' || toNodeTypeName == 'Project') ) { return 'partnered with'; } else if (COMMENT_TYPES.indexOf(fromNodeTypeName) != -1) { return 'is related to'; } else if (toNodeTypeName == "Theme" && 'has main theme') { return 'has main theme'; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES.indexOf(fromNodeTypeName) != -1 && (toNodeTypeName == 'Claim' || toNodeTypeName == 'Solution')) { if (linkName == 'supports') { return 'supports'; } else if (linkName == 'challenges') { return 'challenges'; } } else if (linkName == 'see also') { return 'see also'; } return linkName; } /** * Return the node type text to be placed before the node title * @param nodetype the node type for node to return the text for * @param withColon true if you want a colon adding after the node type name, else false. */ function getNodeTitleAntecedence(nodetype, withColon) { if (withColon == undefined) { withColon = true; } var title=""; if (nodetype == 'Challenge') { title = "Key Challenge"; } else if (nodetype == 'Issue') { title = "Issue"; } else if (nodetype == 'Claim') { title = "Fact"; } else if (nodetype == 'Solution') { title = "Idea"; } else if (nodetype == 'Organization') { title = "Organization"; } else if (nodetype == 'Project') { title = "Project"; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { //EVIDENCE title = "Argument ("+EVIDENCE_TYPE_NAMES_SHORT[EVIDENCE_TYPES.indexOf(nodetype)]+")"; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(nodetype) != -1) { //RESOURCES title = "Resource ("+RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMES_SHORT[RESOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(nodetype)]+")"; } else if (nodetype == 'Theme') { title = "Theme"; } else if (nodetype == 'Comment') { title = "Chat"; } else if (nodetype == 'Idea') { title = "Open Comment"; } else if (nodetype == 'News') { title = "News article"; } if (withColon) { title += ": "; } return title; } function createCommentFilter(context, args) { var sbTool = new Element("div", {'class':'mb-3 row'}); sbTool.insert(''); var selectWrap = new Element("div", {'class':'col-sm-5'}); var filterMenu= new Element("select", {'class':'form-select'}); var links = args['filterlist']; var includeunconnected = args['includeunconnected']; var option = new Element("option", {'value':'all'}); if (links == 'built from' && includeunconnected == 'true') { option.selected = true; } option.insert('All Comment'); filterMenu.insert(option); var option = new Element("option", {'value':'used'}); if (links == 'built from' && includeunconnected == 'false') { option.selected = true; } option.insert("Used Comment"); filterMenu.insert(option); var option = new Element("option", {'value':'notbuiltfrom'}); if (links == '' && includeunconnected == 'true') { option.selected = true; } option.insert("Unused Comment"); filterMenu.insert(option); Event.observe(filterMenu,"change", function(){ var type = this.value; if (type == 'notbuiltfrom' && (links != '' || includeunconnected != 'true')) { args['filterlist'] = ""; args['includeunconnected'] = 'true'; refreshComments(context, args); } else if (type == 'used' && (links != 'built from' || includeunconnected != 'false')) { args['filterlist'] = 'built from'; args['includeunconnected'] = 'false'; refreshComments(context, args); } else if (type == 'all' && (links != 'built from' || includeunconnected != 'true')) { args['filterlist'] = 'built from'; args['includeunconnected'] = 'true'; refreshComments(context, args); } }); selectWrap.insert(filterMenu); sbTool.insert(selectWrap); return sbTool; } function gotoHomeList(type) { var reqUrl = ''+type+'-list'; window.location.href = reqUrl; if (CONTEXT == 'global') { window.location.reload(true); } } function alphanodesort(a, b) { var; var; if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } return 0 ; } function creationdatenodesortasc(a, b) { var nameA=a.cnode.modificationdate; var nameB=b.cnode.modificationdate; if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } return 0 ; } function modedatenodesortasc(a, b) { var nameA=a.cnode.modificationdate; var nameB=b.cnode.modificationdate; if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } return 0 ; } function modedatenodesortdesc(a, b) { var nameA=a.cnode.modificationdate; var nameB=b.cnode.modificationdate; if (nameA > nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA < nameB) { return 1; } return 0 ; } /** * Sort by node type in reverse alphabetical order by connections node type. * So we get Solutions then Claims and Pro then Con nodes, Web Resource then Publication */ function connectiontypenodesort(a, b) { var typeA = a.cnode.role[0]; var connA = a.cnode.connection; if (connA) { if (a.cnode.nodeid == connA.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { typeA = connA.fromrole[0]; } else { typeA = connA.torole[0]; } } var typeB = b.cnode.role[0]; var connB = b.cnode.connection; if (connB) { if (b.cnode.nodeid == connB.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { typeB = connB.fromrole[0]; } else { typeB = connB.torole[0]; } } if (typeA > typeB) { return -1; } if (typeA < typeB) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Sort by node name after a sort by connection node type has been done. * @see connectiontypenodesort */ function connectiontypealphanodesort(a, b) { var; var; var typeA = a.cnode.role[0]; var connA = a.cnode.connection; if (connA) { if (a.cnode.nodeid == connA.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { typeA = connA.fromrole[0]; } else { typeA = connA.torole[0]; } } var typeB = b.cnode.role[0]; var connB = b.cnode.connection; if (connB) { if (b.cnode.nodeid == connB.from[0].cnode.nodeid) { typeB = connB.fromrole[0]; } else { typeB = connB.torole[0]; } } if (typeA == typeB) { if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } else if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } } return 0; } function removeHTMLTags(htmlString) { var cleanString = ""; if(htmlString){ var mydiv = document.createElement("div"); mydiv.innerHTML = htmlString; if (document.all) { cleanString = mydiv.innerText; } else { cleanString = mydiv.textContent; } } return cleanString.trim(); } /** * Used to switch a textarea between plain text and full HTML editor box. */ function switchCKEditorMode(link, divname, editorname) { if ($(divname).style.clear == 'none') { CKEDITOR.replace(editorname, { on : { instanceReady : function( ev ) { this.focus(); } } } ); $(divname).style.clear = 'both'; link.innerHTML = 'Plain text' link.title = 'Switch to a plain text. Formatting will be lost.'; } else { var ans = confirm("Are you sure you want to switch to plain text? Warning: All Formatting will be lost."); if (ans == true) { if (CKEDITOR.instances[editorname]) { CKEDITOR.instances[editorname].destroy(); } $(divname).style.clear = 'none'; link.innerHTML = 'Formatting'; link.title = 'Show formatting toolbar.'; $(editorname).value = removeHTMLTags($(editorname).value); } } } function htmlspecialchars_decode (string, quote_style) { // // + original by: Mirek Slugen // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // + bugfixed by: Mateusz "loonquawl" Zalega // + input by: ReverseSyntax // + input by: Slawomir Kaniecki // + input by: Scott Cariss // + input by: Francois // + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman // + revised by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir ( // + input by: Ratheous // + input by: Mailfaker ( // + reimplemented by: Brett Zamir ( // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir ( // * example 1: htmlspecialchars_decode("

this -> "

", 'ENT_NOQUOTES'); // * returns 1: '

this -> "

' // * example 2: htmlspecialchars_decode("&quot;"); // * returns 2: '"' var optTemp = 0, i = 0, noquotes = false; if (typeof quote_style === 'undefined') { quote_style = 2; } string = string.toString().replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); var OPTS = { 'ENT_NOQUOTES': 0, 'ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE': 1, 'ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE': 2, 'ENT_COMPAT': 2, 'ENT_QUOTES': 3, 'ENT_IGNORE': 4 }; if (quote_style === 0) { noquotes = true; } if (typeof quote_style !== 'number') { // Allow for a single string or an array of string flags quote_style = [].concat(quote_style); for (i = 0; i < quote_style.length; i++) { // Resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'PATHINFO_EXTENSION' becomes 4 if (OPTS[quote_style[i]] === 0) { noquotes = true; } else if (OPTS[quote_style[i]]) { optTemp = optTemp | OPTS[quote_style[i]]; } } quote_style = optTemp; } if (quote_style & OPTS.ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE) { string = string.replace(/�*39;/g, "'"); // PHP does not currently escape if more than one 0, but it should // string = string.replace(/'|�*27;/g, "'"); // This would also be useful here, but not a part of PHP } if (!noquotes) { string = string.replace(/"/g, '"'); } // Put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded string = string.replace(/&/g, '&'); return string; } /** * Replacing function from Scriptaculous. Can now be done with css. * Highlight an element transitioning between two highlight colours and finally restore it to a given colour. * @param item, the item to tranition the background colour on. * @param options, the options to use - object containing 'startcolor', 'endcolor', 'restorecolor', 'duration' */ function highlightElement(item, options) { // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow if ( == 'none') { return; } if (!options.restorecolor) options.restorecolor =; = options['startcolor']; = 'background-color '+options.duration+'s linear'; = 'background-color '+options.duration+'s linear'; = 'background-color '+options.duration+'s linear'; = 'background-color '+options.duration+'s linear'; = 'background-color '+options.duration+'s linear'; // Needed so that initial color and transition are applied before the transition is later triggered. setTimeout(function() { highlightElementComplete(item, options); }, 100); } function highlightElementComplete(item, options) { // trigger transition = options['endcolor']; // Put it all back to normal about when transition should end plus a bit. var totalwait = parseInt((options.duration+1) * 1000); //convert seconds to milliseconds setTimeout(function() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = options['restorecolor']; },totalwait); } /** * Add new new Script tag to the current HTML page dynamically to load a local javascript file on demand. * * @param url The url to add as the src on the new script tag * @param id If given set as the id of the new script tag */ function addScriptDynamically(url, id) { // only allow the import of local code; if (url.indexOf(URL_ROOT) == 0) { var headarea = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); var scriptobj = document.createElement("script"); scriptobj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptobj.setAttribute("src", url); if (id) { scriptobj.setAttribute("id", id); } headarea.appendChild(scriptobj); } }